Thursday, March 28, 2019

How To Make 10k A Month - Make Money Online - Make Passive Income


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hey what's up it is Paul farmer from , Paul G farmer calm today I'm gonna be , talking about how to make K a month , how to make K a month I'gonna , actually be showing you basically how I , have gone and done it so pay close , attention'm gonna do my best to keep , this video pretty short but I do have to , admit there ISS lot of content alto of , material I need to cover so it might be , Little bit on the long side just , letting you know but it's gonna be good , information another thing I should let , you know is this may not be like as , specific as you want it to be it might , Beau little too general but these are , the techniques this these are the , strategies I have used these are the , methods Have used to do it and , continue to do it so if you want to make , K a month definitely stay tuned to pay , attention and we're gonna get right to , it okay okay so how to make kin a , month okay how to make K in a month , this is this ISS how I have gone about , doing it and it has worked great for me , and I don't see any reason why it won't , work for you now just Little backstory , about Who I am , I'vie been online since okay I , started online in March of I , actually came from ate aching background , Iowas a physical education teacher I was , personal trainer had my own bit boot , camp , that Is tarted fitness boot camp and , that did'tog to hell but that was my , first opportunity when it came to , creating my own income being a business , owner okay that was my first opportunity , like I said it did't go well I did't , know anything I came online IN , after I was laid off in W from my , teaching job there were no jobs for like , two years I spent doing everything I , possibly could to replace my income and , I just fill up my face it just did't , workout and that's , how I came online and I'd lo veto tell , you that once I came online kind of like , what you see out there there's this this , hype that shows you oh you could make a , full time income right away I do nothing , I want to really caution you about that , way of thinking because that way of , thinking is really not going to get you , there it's really not going to get you , there this is Nita lottery ticket this , is not a hand me hand out what this is , is these are concrete strategies that , absolutely work will absolutely may help , you make more income maybe Nootka right , away but you will get there and beyond , as long as you follow along and do what , I tell you to do in this video okay now , there are there different ways to go , ab outdoing it absolutely there are , different ways to go about doing it but , that I'm sharing with you what has work , for me because know it will work for , you okay if you go off and do something , else , I don't know how that's gonna work I , can'guarantee your success , I can't guarantee your success now you , know you ha veto be able to apply and , follow along and do what I teach you to , do okay so here we go this is what I'vie , done , I do hope and trust you're gonna get , some value from this you might want to , take out notepad and a pen jot this , stuff down or just watch the recording , because I'basically breaking it down , for you the mechanics behind how to make , ten thousand dollar sin month okay so , here we go so the very very first thing , I ha veto start with and I know many , people hate this you know that you you , hate hearing oh I need to work on my , mindset but the honest truth is mindset , is everything mindset is everything it , affects everything you do how you write , how you speak how you show up how you , communicate with other people it affects , everything you do how you do what's , called pay marketing you know it affects , everything you do so if you are doubting , if you're in that space where you're , doubting or are you critical or you're , letting others , kind of dictate how you think like maybe , their ideas or like oh well well what , you're doing it's kind of outside the , box it's not normal to them but you want , to better yourself you want to get to , K a month you need to not listen to , them so much but listen to people that , are doing it okay so one of the ways , silence the critics one of the ways , silence those those thoughts of death , basically because because when you have , those kind of negative thoughts going on , if you're not thinking in a success , mindset if you're thinking in a lack , mindset you're not going to do the , things you need to do to perform to , create the results you want to create , it's just not going to happen so some of , the things I do and and I did a full , video about my daily routine when it , comes to personal development and what , I'll do ISO'll pita little card at the , top of this video little I click on that , eye and I'll take you to that video and , you can learn exactly what I do but but , this is kind of a summary right here so , I read daily write read or listen daily , really to some kind of book write , something that's gonna better myself so , leadership motivation inspiration sales , marketing something that's gonna help me , grow as individual I write down my goals , daily now some people don't write their , goals down at all you know some people , write about once aye I write them , down daily the guy actually learned this , from write something down twice a day , I'vie been attempting to do that but I , always forget to write it down in the , evening but you want to write down your , goals and your goals you want to make , sure are big you want big goals so the , reason you want big goals is because , when you accomplish those goal sit's , gonna change your life it needs to make , a change in your life if you do little , tiny goals that don't really matter , don't really don'really make any , changes in your life then what's the , point you know you want to strive to do , better you want to strive for more write , that so you write down bigger goals , you're basically mapping out your future , when you do this I do affirmations do , this everyday while I , exercise remember I did awfully video , about this I'm putting the card in here , and an affirmation is just like , basically how how am Gonna make , $W,W a month why aim making $W,W , a month it's asking a question so your , mind can go to work and start finding , solutions to how that's gonna happen , okay so I do that daily okay so these , are just some of the things I actually , did a full video where I show you , exactly what I do and why I do them but , personal development super-important I'm , always working on my mindset it's the , most important thing because it'st he , thing that can trip you up so I'm gonna , keep I'm gonna continue coming back to , this today as we go through this video , okay so the next thing and this is super , important okay so when you're starting , online you're looking for a way to , create income online there are many many , many many many many different ways to go , about doing it okay I'm sharing with you , the way I am doing it okay but again , there are many ways many many ways , there's not Justine set way but what , I'm sharing with you has worked for me , and that's why I'm sharing with you'm , not gonna go share with you something , that haven't done and in theory it , might work no I'modelling you exactly , what I'm doing what I'm using so you can , go out and do the same does its work for , me there's no reason they can'twerk for , you so we're talking about wealth , vehicle and what the wealth vehicle does , is it creates income that's what it does , okay so you want something that's gonna , have a low ticket low ticket meaning low , cost of entry right this it's not gonna , cost alto it's gonna be from like $W , to$W low cost of entry it's gonna , create what's called residual income , okay residual income is basically you , have residual bills , so if ya if you have a phone a cell , phone that means you pay a bill every , single month if you have a mortgage you , have mortgage payment , that's a residual bill right what we , want to do is create residual income , an income that comes in month after , month after month no matter what we're , doing that incomes coming , it's leveraged right and then you want , to oversells higher level up cells , higher income up cells on the back end , because that's really gonna push you to , create more income that's what's gonna , drive you to make more income so you , bring people so people start at a low , ticket right a low low ticket low-cost , offer which creates residual income for , you and then you have Thessaly's which , gives you the bigger money okay this is , basically how it works the wealth , vehicle am with actually pays$W , commissions $W commissions and then , you have so the W is the upfront , the low ticket the W is Thessaly and , the one W is an upsilon so total , of $W per customer is what you can , earn plus on this $W you can earn% , matching bonus on whatever these people , earn okay so I'm not gonna get deep into , this right NOW'vie just kind of given , you the idea of how you want something , wit ha leverage built in something's , gonna earn for you no matter what you're , doing it's gonna earn fries gonna take , some of the work off of your plate so , that's smart , you don't want to just trade time for , money that'snot gonna get you there , you want other people working for you , right you want other people helping you , out so that's that's what I'm talking , about that'SWAT the wealth vehicle is , all about so once you have your wealth , vehicle let me just go back okay a few , points about the wealth vehicle is when , you start something I don't care what it , is you want to make sure you're , positioned to make the most money very , important many new people many people , that are fearful they start at the very , very lowest level they dip their toe in , the water and because they do that they , basically fail okay put put bluntly they , basically fail so I encourage you to do , whatever you can to purchase to position , yourself to make the most money okay to , position yourself to make the most money , and , is not starting at the only the low , ticket level it is not that okay its , purchasing everything to make the most , that's what sets you up to succeed , because now you have more skin in the , game now you are in apposition where you , know you mentally you want to go and , work harder because you make it more , money whereas if you're just doing a low , ticket let's say twenty dollars it's , gonna take a lotto motivate you to do , to get to work on that you know but if , you can make five hundred twenty dollars , per customer it's a little more , motivation you know you can see a little , more clearly how your income can really , start adding up okay now that you have a , wealth vehicle and you are positioned to , make the most money now what weened to , do is we need to go out and we need to , get people to seethe wealth vehicle , they need to learn about the product , that you have about what you're doing , okay so that starts with marketing now , I'm gonna cover couple different ways , he rebut I'm gonna share with you what I , did okay so what I did was Is tarted , with free marketing now if you have , enough money to do paid marketing , highly encourage you to get started with , paid marketing it's just gonna help you , get results whole lot faster and it's , gonna it's gonna help you get profit a , whole lot faster right is this gonna , help you get off the ground whole lot , faster whereas if you do free marketing , that personal developments really gonna , come in handy but basically what I did , is I started with free marketing I , started with Facebook and YouTube okay , Facebook and YouTube so Facebook , marketing basically attracting people to , you , I was actually reaching out to people , and connecting with them like having , conversations finding out if they had a , need and offering them absolution my , solution was my wealth vehicle okay , I led with value okay so this is this is , a very important lesson and you know , obviously I can't cover it all here but , you want to lead with value it's not so , much about the company people join , people they don'join companies right , so you want to lead with value and the , way I live with value was our Facebook , group we have a Facebook group it's , called freedom takers and what that does , is it provides social proof and a , provide step by step training to help , people who want to make money online do , so and that's what this group entails , that's what's in the group so that is , what I led with was value I did't , lead with the business Lied with value , that'SA really important point that's , really something to that's at hat's a , lot of a lot of wisdom right there okay , so when you lead with the company , everybody's leading with the company you , don't separate yourself so you off you , want to lead with value okay so that's , how Is tart it free marketing if you , wanna check out the Facebook group just , go to Plug farmer com forward slash , freedom takers and you're free to look , at that group you'll see tons of people , having success sharing results all kinds , of training just everything you could , ever need to start making money online , and preferably in a month okay or , more then okay so once Is tarted making , money with the free strategies I was , reaching out to people on a daily basis , seeing if they were open leading with , value making videos creating education , showing results and proof things like , that you know all my videos again this , is this video cannot go into specific , strategies exactly how Id id this we do , have some training in this group though , you can definitely check that out , and I also offer other training as well , but this is just kind of a general thing , so you understand the basics I think you , run with it right so Facebook YouTube , YouTube ISS big powerhouse for me , nothing gets people to know like trust , you better than YouTube and that'shy , I'modding avid right now and once you , start getting this down here the free , marketing strategies you're going to , start getting people to to work with you , and you're gonna start earning but when , you start earning what you want to do , instead of just doing free strategies , forever , because these take a lot of effort and , time you're gonna want to add paid , marketing now remember what I said if , you have the money to get going and , doing pay marketing it is important to , do that that's very important to do so , but this is just how I went about it CZ , when I started did't have paid , marketing so I had to do the free , strategies which was basically Facebook , and YouTube reaching out to people hey , would you be open to creating more , income you know would you be opening to , learning how to create more income would , you be open to create more income for , your business , these are the questions I would ask and , then I'll just send them quick video , sharing what I did okay , and if they liked it cool they were , ready so now we're going to paid , marketing this is where you really start , scaling your business okay and I believe , it's important to have both paid and , free because the page will start , building on the free strategies so the , page is gonna help you create more of a , social presence get more people to your , videos get more people to your social , media pages and it's gonna help you grow , that much faster okay then on social , media what you do is you share your , proof progress results you give value , people watch you people come around , people want to work with you that's how , it works okay so her ewe are start paid , marketing so I start it by purchasing , W to clicks twice a month using , solo ads so notice all that is is , basically you're just running a person's , email list person has a big email list , you're basically just renting , that list said they're gonna send out an , email with your link in it to your offer , and some people are gonna gonad click , on it some people are gonna opt in to , what'scaled your capture page again , don'thieve time to go through all this , stuff but this is the basics okay so I , started with to clicks twice a , month okay so it was only like twice a , month this is when I started doing paid , marketing once I started making more , money scaled to W clicks weekly okay , I went from to W twice a month to , W weekly and now I'm at 1,W weekly , okay now the price range is from , different vendors I'm not gonna put that , in here this is just something you're , gonna ha veto kind of do your own , research and find out how much you know , these clicks cost and all that okay this , this is kind of more of an overview of , what to do the strategies to use to get , there okay SO W clicks a month to , start twice a month then I scaled to W , nice scale to,W and soon I'll be , going to two thousand clicks , weekly now what that means is I have , more and more people see my offer what , that means is my pipeline is full it's , never dry I continually have new people , coming through my pipeline and see my , offer so that's super important the , reason people don't make any money is , because they don'thieve enough people , coming through their pipeline they don't , have enough so you definitely want to , continue to scale now on top of the paid , marketing'vie been creating to , videos weekly so on top of the paid , marketing so I don'just do paid , marketing do to videos weekly now , the reason I do videos is know like , trust know like trust people want to , work with people they know like and , trust they do not want to work with , people that hide they do not want to , work with people that never never share , who they are or anything , that is a it's a personal thing and you , want to be a real person and the best , way to do that is through video so I do , videos , okay video is very very powerful videos , a big reason why I have been able to do , km up okay , also you're creating an email list so , when people come to your page they're , gonna enter their information it's gonna , go into an auto route what's called an , auto responding is basically , creating a database of emails of names , and this database what you want to do , just like anybody any any major store , does so for example during Christmas I , bought my son drama kit electronic , drum kit from Guitar Center online when , I did that what happened was they got my , information they got my email so now I , constantly get every single day , sometimes multiple times Ada I get , emails from Guitar Center trying to sell , me something trying to get me back in , the store and that is the purpose of , creating a database that is the purpose , of sending emails to that database okay , so that's the email list , another example is Kohl's I would - , Kohl's , I bought some pants and some shirts , whatever right and I go ton their list , and now I get emails from Kohl'servery , single day , same thing with office office depot I , went to Office Depot , I bought a chair got on their email , list because they asked for their , evening for your information that's what , they do because they understand the , power of data of information they , understand that they need to communicate , with their customers so you know with , with Office Depot they sent Mae few , pause they sent me information sales all , the stuff that's going on best buy any , major company , this is theirs this is what they do this , is part of their marketing they they , have you in their database Starbucks you , name it any company does it so you want , to be collecting email it's really , important okay so that's what we're , doing that's , teaching you do that'SWAT the , traffic's for that'SWAT the free , traffic the paid traffic that's what it , does you're creating a database now with , this database what you want to do is you , want to email them with valuable content , right information education how it's , gonna benefit them that kind of thing , and this is what I DI email my list , two times a day Monday Tuesday Wednesday , Thursday Friday and Sunday so let me , break this down for you because the , wealth vehicle I use hasp re-done , trainees they do live training Wednesday , and Thursday , so this is how I do this and then on , Sunday our Facebook group our team goes , and does a training where we show , results every week and how we got them , on Sunday so I'll start at some days , kind of backwards I'll start at Sunday , Sunday is the beginning of the week , Sunday I send email out inviting people , to our training for Sunday night OK and , then Is end another one just before the , training begin so that's Sunday Monday , send typically the recording of the , Sunday training for those tackled't , make it , OK Tuesday send a done for me training , usually talks about how to make , dollars Ina day or I send a video do , some type of value I create it can be , showing my result sit could be some kind , of technique something that Think my , list will benefit from sent to them on , Tuesday Wednesday , I usually said the Wednesday hangout the , training we have on Wednesdays Thursday , I send the Thursday training Friday , said the recording of the Thursday , training so that basically maps out what , I said now it changes little bit , personalize it but this is what I sent , my my database my emails okay so now you , have that , the next thing we do and this is super , supers , important because we have leverage built , into our wealth vehicle and that is we , plug them into a duplicate , replica table system where they can go , and do what you're doing so what I'm , teaching you now this this can be , considered a duplicate system because , I'm teaching you what do so you can go , out and do what I do and get similar , results or better results so this , creates leverage when you have a wealth , vehicle that actually rewards you for , that which I do so but so you want to , plug your team into duplicate system , so one of the systems we have is freedom , takers Facebook group and remember I , talked about that at the top , freedom takers Facebook group where we , provide step-by-step training fast start , training exactly what you need to do to , start earning quick okay that is , delectable have social proof that , is duplicate , people see social proof so so basically , the way it works is you bring your , people you you get traffic you get , people to enter their information the , system goes to work it does the telling , it sell it for you and then what you do , is you plug them into freedom takers , Facebook group where they will get , social proof which is really the most , powerful proof results support training , live training everything you could ever , need in one place okay and that's really , it that'serially the main that's really , how I went ab outdoing it and and how my , income continues to grow and that kind , of thing sou just want to go over the , main points the main points covered , were personal development daily very , very important remember I'm putting a , card make sure you watch that that is my , personal development strategy lay it , out for you , you need a wealth vehicle and you want , to purchase all the products you want to , be positioned to make the most money you , want a wealth vehicle that it's gonna , create residual income that's going to , create leveraged income right leverage , your time leverage your money , that's what you want'm gonna put a , link right below this video so you could , go and check that out yourself and see , what it's all about , we're talking about traffic traffic , super-important traffic you get free and , paid and then you want to scale so once , you start earning you want to scale you , want to go bigger and bigger and bigger , OK because that's how you make more and , more the more people that see your offer , the see your products see your business , see your service the more money you're , gonna make , because the more people that see it we , offer value training that's the next , step follow up some pare done training , great videos showing proof progress , results to your list and you know not , only videos but social media like , Facebook show proof progress results , give value educate teach write that kind , of thing so to wrap this up my wealth , vehicle what I use my wealth vehicle is , stable , the reason it's stab leis well it , started the technology company component , of it started in the main company , now started in they pay every , single Wednesday on time like clockwork , no problem sever it's a very simple , system it's very simple people can plug , into this and start earning within their , first day if they're really serious , about it they could start earning within , their first day it's very simple we , break it down for you it's designed to , it's designed to work as is no tweaking , as is it's designed to work value off , the charts the tools my wealth vehicle , provides tools and training that , business owners need online marketers , internet marketers offline marketers , brick-and-mortar businesses it dozen't , matter what what this wealth vehicle , provides is Vallejo free free live , training every week teaches you how a , system how this , works to produce $W days how to use , the system to promote whatever you're , tornadoes't matte rand tools like how , to create different types of websites , that will attract buyers to you that , kind of thing okay very valuable and and , frankly the most important thing is it , flat out work sit flat out work sand , you're gonna see proof of that in our , freedom takers Facebook group lots of , proof so much proof can't keep up with , it all day long results are being shown , in there so definitely check that out , but if you want to know more you want to , know how to go about making K a month , if you want something that's simple , that's duplicate that's stable and it , flat outworks then did't go to leads , are flowing calm right here leads are , flowing calm link is right below this , video and and and check that out and do , what I taught you to do you don'just , come in at the lowest level you want to , position yourself to make the most money , plug into our Facebook group I'm just , scroll up and show you that link again , right here Paul G farmer calm towards , freedom takers plug into that group see , what's going on and then you make that , decision okay so thanks for watching I , hope you got value know it was a , little bit longer today but but this is , it this is my K blueprint this is what , I do this is what I continue to do and , I'just gonna keep scaling I'm gonna , keep following Ito'm gonna keep scaling , it getting bigger and bigger and bigger , before you knob W,W a month okay so , this works click on the link and last , but not least be sure to subscribe Tommy , channel because I make videos all the , time I do what Icahn to provide as much , value really want to see you wino , really want to help people break through , from whatever is holding them back and , live more fulfilling lives okay thank , you for watching see on the next one  

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