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Free Training: " How to Earn a 6-Figure Side-Income Online " |
hey guys today I'm going to be showing , you W ways that you can make money as a , teenage rand none of them involve , surveys most of these methods that I , have tried myself and I'll be giving you , some tips for how to get started and how , to actually do them so that you can be , earning some extra money idea number one , is tutoring so get something that you , know how to do and that you're good at , such as chess playing an instrument , certain subject like English maths , language and tutor to younger kids , great way to make connections is through , your parents friends they might have , younger kids who need tutoring and you , can just do a little bit of that on the , side and the money is really good the , second idea is digitizing people's photo , albums this is something that often , lot of people want to do but they just , don't have the time so it's something , that you can take off their hands and do , for them all your link for this is just , an average scanner like the ones that , often come with printers and just scan , in people's old family photos and , archive them into folders it's as simple , as that and you can organize them by , year and then give it to them on a USB , and charge them for however many hours , you spend doing that the next idea is , being someone'Instagram husband so , this just means helping out people who , want to develop their Instagram and they , probably need someone to help them take , photos of them that happen about so you , can just charge them for an hour or two , hours to go up with your camera or even , just your phone and take photos of them , for the Instagram you can go to the , beach or Tao cafe or some nice location , with them and you could charge a pretty , good amount of money depending on if , you'begot professional camera and if , you know how to edit photos as well so , if you know how to use Adobe Light room , or Photocopied is going to be a skill , in your favor as well but the most , important thing is just to be , comfortable around them direct them with , posing and you know just encourage them , show them the pictures as you'retaking , them and just have a good time the next , idea is being a virtual bookkeeper a lot , of people need someone to do bookkeeping , work for their business and they don't , have to know that you're a young person , because you can do it all online if you , want to learn Little bit more about , virtual bookkeeping'll put some links , in the description box below idea number , five is transcribing this is something , that Actually did when I was a teen , and me a little bit of money on the side , I thin kit was about to W bucks an , hour basically it just involves , listening to audio and typing out what , you hear and usually it'sf or companies , who are developing things like AI , software and they wan tit to recognize , human voices they just need a whole lot , of information about what words sound , like so it's literally just as simple as , putting in some headphones getting on , your computer and typing out what you , hear and if you have a decent typing , speed then it means you can make more , money doing this idea number six is to , sell stock photos so there's a lot of , stock photo websites that will buy your , photos or you could reach out to , bloggers who might need certain themes , of photos it could be gardening or , parenting or health related things and , you can setup a partnership with a blog , where they pay you to take photos for , their blog posts it will be in your , favor if you do have a decent digital , camera but seeing as how good most phone , cameras are these days you could , probably get away with using just your , phone camera to begin with idea number , seven is to write paid blog posts so a , lot of blogs will outsource the writing , for their blogs because they just want , to produce lot of content and don't , have time to do it wit hone person so , you can look on freelance writing sites , sometimes people will need a blog post , written about something to do with , photography or cosmetics or animals , don'TKO there's so many different , topics for so many different blogs so , find something that you know a little , bit about and write a blog post idea , number eight is ghost writing lot of , people need ghost writer to write , things like brochures or books for them , and they might not necessarily have the , English speaking skills to be able to do , it themselves so they will outsource it , you can find these kind of jobs on , freelance writing websites and the , amount you get paid will depend on how , long the project is idea number nine is , evaluating search engines such engines , like Google and Yahoo ending and all , those need people to evaluate the way , that search engines work actually only , recently found out about this one so I , don't have whole depth of knowledge , about it but I'll link a blog post , that's , comprehensive in the description box , below so you can find out a little bit , more if you'd like to do that one idea , number W is to sell your junk mail , believe it or not there are companies , that actually want to buy your junk mail , there's a company that I found collides , cave center not sponsored obviously but , they will send you prepaid envelopes and , you can mail them your junk mail and , they also want to get your e mail junk , mail , so you just forward Otto their email , address and they'll give you gift card , every twenty dollars so it's a really , easy way to make little bit of money , every day idea number eleven is this , website called fiber that you'vie , probably heard of it'just a really , easy way to make little bit of money , here or there doing something that , you're good at , it could be editing some photos for , someone editing a quick video or you'vie , been putting together an Excel , spreadsheet for someone who dozen't know , how to do it , ID number twelve is cleaning people's , houses this is something that I'vie done , before and it's are ally easy way to , make pretty good money and the easiest , way to start is just offer it to your , family and your extended family it just , involves dusting vacuuming mopping , floor swiping down surfaces cleaning , glass basically all he needs is a bit of , patience and an eye for detail you can , put in some headphones get to work and , some money idea number W is doing yard , work for people so you can work in their , garden raking leaves mowing the law nor , doing whatever other little odd jobs , that they need to be done you'd be , surprised how many people will take you , up on an offer to mow their lawn or do , something that they feel like they just , don't have the time to do themselves and , usually they will already have the , equipment like the lawn mower or the , hedge trimmer or whatever Otis they'll , already have that equipment and you just , need to come in and do it for them , number W is paper delivery this is one , that I did when I was fifteen and I made , really good money doing it it just takes , a little bit of time and , yeah usually companies who want people , to do paper deliveries will advertise in , newspapers or like local classifieds , like Gum tree or Craigslistwhatever you , ha vein your country I think I found , mine through a bulletin boar din my , local shopping center someone will come , and drop whole lot of newspapers and , advertisements to you and well as a , whole lot of rubber bands and so , basically I had to grab one of each put , it together in a little bundle and then , take them around by suburb and drop them , in people's litter boxes my favorite , thing about this was it got me walking , and it got me outside which Olive doing , anyway and I got paid for it and I think , I made two or three hundred dollars a , week doing this idea number is to , wash people's cars this is another one , that I'vie done before as well all you'll , nee dis a Hosea sponge and some basic , cleaning product sand you can clean the , outside of their car with some soapy , water rinse it down clean inside with , glass cleaner and some surface wipe sand , give it a vacuum and that'pretty much , all you need to do if you wanted to do a , more professional detail you could , invest in a couple of product sand then , you'd be able to charge Little bit , extra but it depends if you have startup , money to invest in their products but , YouTube is your best friend because , there's so many tutorials out there how , to detail and clean cars properly so , that will really help if that's , something that you want to do idea , number W is dog walking and grooming , lot of people want someone to walk their , dogs because they just don't have the , time and this is another one where , you're walking which Osgood exercise , and you're getting paid to do it , which is great and if you love dogs like , I DI love dogs , it dozen'TEFL like work you're just , hanging out with all these dogs which , sounds like great time to be honest you , can also charge Little bit more if you , include dog grooming so if you give the , dog a bath at the end of the walk then , you could probably charge double so , that's an option too idea number is , to sell your projects on Betsy I'vie been , selling on Betsy for the last six months , or so and it'being a really good , source of site income I actually made a , whole video a while back on , it was craft ideas that you can make , itself so I'll link that in the , description box if you'd like to check , that out otherwise think of something , that you already make that you can , profit from Essayers better in some ways , then selling at a market because you , don't have the age discrimination of , being a young person so if you're W , year sold people don't know that they're , just solely looking at your work and , it's also good because you don't ha veto , pay the upfront cost of hiring outta , stall at some markets you can just start , straightaway on Betsy idea number W is , to do makeup or hairstyles for proms or , formal events the best way to get , started with this would be to do , practice runs on your family your , siblings your friend stake photos and , upload it to an Instagram Ora Facebook , ad it's probably a good idea to have , both because you can reach mum sand , parents through Facebook and you can , reach people your age through Instagram , and make sure you have clearly displayed , contact information so if someone wants , to contact you to book you fora fall , event then they can hire you ID number , W is sell t-shirts or products on apps , like red bubble and society's are , websites where you can upload your , design and you can put it on phone cases , t-shirts pillows wall hangings literally , anything you want and this is great , because it's passive income which means , they can be selling while you're , sleeping so once you'vie done the design , you can just stay up there and , continuously sell and continuously bring , new income idea number W is to teach , all the generations how to use , technology you could show some older , people how to setup a Facebook page for , their small business or how to use , products like Microsoft Office Word and , Excel and all that so those are my W , ideas for how to make money as a , teenager hope you guys found something , useful and maybe something that you , Haydn't heard before did'twat to , include surveys because'vie tried them , before and I found that they just , Warren't worth it for the amount of time , that it takes to start doing them and , then sometimes halfway through they'll , say sorry you're not eligible or , whatever I just haven't had any sick , so no surveys if you enjoyed this video , make sure to give iota thumbs up and if , you'd like me to make a version for , students who are in uni or college or , above then let me know in the comments , below because I have some ideas that are , not applicable to teenagers and that are , more older groups of people so if you're , interested in that let me know also , sorry for kind of being absent on , YouTube lately just had knee surgery , and it's been Wow , it's been so intense so I'vie just been , bedridden fora while and yeah it's , taken me a while to get back into the , groove of things if you have any ideas , for ways that you'remade money please , leave a comment below , and we can have this awesome comment , section where everyone'sharing their , idea show to make money whether it's , online or in the real world hope you , guys have a fantastic day and I'll see , you in my next video .