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hey effrontery Eve's here and I , think it's time that we actually do , another video would you say course we're , going to do another video because , YouTube's changing it changes all the , time you know with algorithm changes , with feature changes you know they're , pulling away features adding features , man it's hard to keep up at times but , some of the stuff that they're doing on , YouTube right now are yeah OK , other things are freaking amazing and , what I'going to do is over the next , couple videos we're actually going to , talk about some of the amazing features , that are out there how to actually , utilize them and I thought we'd start , with super chat now we could do a dry , boring tutorial on how to actually use , super chat or we could shake things up , what do you say , she was shaken up OK let me see here , let's shake it up with $W yeah holy , $W super chat Darryl he's calm I , believe that the super chat feature is , literally game changer'm not going , out on a Limbo just really thin kit is , a game changer because it's going to , transform live streaming it's going to , transform YouTube and the platform so , before we go into the ins and outs of , how to set things up and you know how to , utilize super chat you need to be able , to qualify for it so NOW know that , some of you're like oh man why does , YouTube ever do this but that's just the , way that it is you have to be in good , standing , OK be in good standing that's a really , important thing to do number two you , need to monetize your YouTube channel of , course you're going to monetize because , you'retrying to get money from your , fans and connect with your fans right , number three you have to be in these , following countries right here okay your , country might not be on the list sorry , but they're opening up new countries all , the time and dealing with you know local , regulations and so on and number four , you have to be W year sold won't want , long I think that you might be able to , get a parent or guardian not too sure , I'm going to ask some YouTube , representatives and get back to you on , that so let me go ahead and jump right , in let me show you how to setup super , chat and how to use sub jet let's do this , so to enable super chat we , first off need to make sure that you , don'thieve fan funding on your YouTube , channel now I actually have it on my , touchingly and come February's , it is gone it is in the trash where it , belongs because honestly people have , contributed Tommy channel don'tavern , know who they are it was very difficult , to actually give them you know good , shout outs and stuff like that so we are , going to disconnect this and to do that , first off we need to go to the upper , right hand corner click on the Avatar , icon come down to creator studio and , once we come into creator studio we want , to mouse on over to the community , section and once we're into the , community section we're going to come , down to fan funding where that needs to , be and let's turn that of fit's going to , literally disappear come February's , now what we want to do now is to enable , super jet so notice that speeches , actually came up here in the community , tab we go ahead and click on that and we , want to enable speeches that's how , easy it is and basically all the , purchase swill come down here you'll , have a full thing of everyone that , actually contribute don all your live , streams which is really really cool I , like that and then too it actually shows , up in the chat at different places so , that'show easy it is and you just need , to make sure that you have at leas ta , thousand subscriber sand that your , monetized , and that you're over so that you're , able to enable this so I found some , random you tubers that are actually my , subscriber stalking about something I , have no idea but let's go ahead and make , their day so they do have super chat , enabled and this is a feature for anyone , that's actually live-streaming it , dozen't matter if it's on gaming or on , regular YouTube basically if you have it , enabled we can actually give them money , so let's go ahead and do that I'm going , to go ahead and give them money by , clicking on the super chat icon so let's , go ahead and do that and it says send a , super chat message so let'sago ahead and , do that can say keep up the good work , and let's give them some money let's see , what they do let's see how they suddenly , freaked outta little bit , good so buy it it's going to come up , with a notification saying hey this is , really cool , are you sure you want to do this there , is no refunds on this notice here , there's no refunds so I'm gonna go ahead , and hit by and we're going to give them , W buck sand we'll see how they react , well it just takes a little bit of time , let me just get Alfred if they can't , afford next stage huh thank you , we're subscribed to your YouTube channel , I don't know if you knew that or not who , we are , thank you very much thank you thank you , I appreciate that roll sidereal eves , Derail Eve's dropping the$W super chat , boom this is amazing thank you so much , Derail Eve's guys do some hype in the , chat for Darryl each of the W dollar , super chat that's huge man I appreciate , it guys Derail Eve's if you don't know , who he is he ISS YouTube wizard , he's YouTube wizard he his channel , Derail Eve'sou go Derail Eve's calm , super easy to remember that he makes , like tips and tricks and how-to videos , about YouTube you want to learn anything , about YouTube his channel is where you , go to do that , that's a dog tips to desertion air horns , second dollar could observe some air , horns thank you sir appreciate that , Derail Eve's okay so , he just basically lost game so let's , go ahead and make his day let's give him , W bucks so let's see let's do's bucks , so you can adjust it on this to see how , much you're going to do I'm going to go , ahead and do $Right here and let's , see if he says anything here ready here , we go , send it's going to do a little pop-up , saying hey are you sure that you want to , do this there is no refunds on this I'm , gonna go ahead and say ye sand use only , $super chat I'Darrel ease thank you , so much man alright I found another , YouTube sounds like he's from Mexico , that's kind of his accent speaking , Spanish I actually speak Spanish so , oh look see it says what time is it in , Mexico this guy's asking so let's go , ahead and do a little super chat shock , look hmm , all right so let's do it so it sounds , like this guy is like streaming from , twitch he's probably not even looking at , YouTube comments don'think it's , wasted money because that mean you guys , are awesome and so I'having fun I'm , you know up here and then I let MEGO so , momentum is right okay I had a blast , like literally giving money out to some , my subscribers into some random people , it was actually fun I actually enjoyed , it so I think I'm going to do this more , often , what do you think should I get walking , put it in the comments below and guys , we're going to talk about live streaming , we're to talk about techniques and , ability an dhow to actually get fans to , interact all that fun stuff is coming up , on this YouTube channel so if you're not , subscribed go ahead and click Subscribe , check out few of my videos and share , it wit ha friend because you know what , we'rein the sharing mood right I shared , some money so just kind of share this , video