hey what's Upjohn snooze is here from , simple programmer.com hey just want to , give a quick thanks to one of our , sponsors in the program which is Devi , mountain boot camp you should go check , them out the link is in the description , they are a coding bootcamp and they can , teach you web development ISO , developments design lot of good , stuff I get a lot of feedback fro ma lot , of you out there that email may have , told me about denominating so I decided , to check them out myself and I like what , I found like their programs they offer , some-week intensive programs they , also offer some After Hours programs , which know that some of you will like , so go check them out you can seethe , link in the description beloved , Mountain boot camp in a big thank you to , them for sponsoring simple programmer so , I got a question here about how I can , earn some money while studying and this , question is from Journal and he says hey , John thanks for all the videos I have a , question'll be starting master sin , September I have a few months of free , time so in these in this time what are , the things I should be learning or doing , so that can earn some money and cover , my living expenses at the time study I , don't have any work experience yet and I , am learning web development currently , mean stack in asp.net what are the , options to start earning some money , while I study do you have any other tips , for me , he says I'm from India currently , studying computer science and I want to , mo veto Canada next year so I'll be , doing masters and CS next year so I'vie , got a few a few tips here so first of , all I want to set the correct attitude , which is one that think is really , important which is is one of someone , humility of not thinking that you're , above anything right actually it's kind , of funny there was really good part of , a book by Ryan holiday called , the obstacles the way you could check , out the book I also did a review on it , really really good book and he talked , about think it was I want to say it , was President Woodrow Wilson it might , have been I'm , I'm gonna be confusing in but he was , talking about how he had basically said , that you know he was he was willing to , do whatever work but he never found any , kind of work above or below him right , any kind of work was not below him and , he was a janitor atone point and he , mopped the floor sand I think that's , really that'SWAT's where you got to , start right so a lot of people that ask , me well how can they get job or I , can't find a job or you know they're not , willing to they think that certain stuff , is beneath them and and you know want , you to have a job that's going to be , relevant to what you're doing I want you , to be successful and have the best job , that's possible to you but your attitude , has to be such that you're willing to , mop the floor if you need to right if , you really want to achieve your dreams , if you really want to be able to pay for , your studies if you really want to , accomplish whatever you want to , accomplish in life you Giotto be willing , to scrub the toilets right you got to be , willing to do whatever it's going to , take and not think that some something , is beneath you and again I'm not , accusing you I'just I'm just saying , this because don't think that you have , this attitude but you know for the , benefit of everyone watching this I want , to make sure that it'Avery clear that , you start there right if I had to , someday flip burgers would not Would , not be like oh I never taken a job at , McDonald's because you know I was on , YouTube had hundred thousand , subscribers was Iowas a famous , entrepreneur and programmer , oh yeah that's that no I'm not , doing Ito I'm above that I would never , say that would go and flip burgers if , I have to honestly like Id on't think , I'll ever have Tobit hey if I got to do , it I'going to do it I'm not going to , be above that so I just want to set that , as the the base because you might have , to do that right so there's the base , okay now should what should you do you , should try and use those skills that you , got you said you had espied nutmeg , skills or our mean stack in asp.net try , and get Job for three months doing , some some development work maybe you can , go to a freelancing site legwork or , something like that that might not be , the best way definitely Would , recommend you know check out my course , on how to create blog you know it's , gonna be a little bit late for that , but if you get this set , and you can get people coming to you in , getting some freelance work that would , be ideal but is going to take some time , to get that traction going you might as , well start your blog now though because , that would be useful but it'serially not , going to be a resource right now but I , would try and I would go to local , companies you know even if you're not , going to work fora lot of money try to , do something relevant if your first , choice it's a do a job that's relevant , and it's close to what you actually want , to do and what you're studying as , possible because always say you know , try to do things that have multiple , outcomes multiple good things that come , from right when I was when I'm making , these videos it's not just a video okay , it's I'm making some money from , advertisement enjoy doing the video , right but I'm building up a back catalog , of videos it'salsa going out to a , podcast it's also going out to a video , podcast right it's it's getting people , to sign up to my list I'm pointing you , back to my my website I'm selling some , product on here right so there's a bunch , of outcomes that are coming from this , it's not just one of the YouTube star so , I'm going to give you videos right , that's that'slake just one outcome , right I'vie got a multiple things , multiple ways to win so again with your , job you want to figure out can I get , some kind of way to make money that's , going to improve it going to help me , learn more of what what I'm learning you , know and it's going to be relevant to , what'm doing and maybe have whatever , other positive outcomes so that's the , thing that's that I would think about , first of all and like I said go out and , talk to companies go and find people go , to meetup groups I mean you'vie got a , short amount of time just few months , but you know so hopefully you'vie setup , some of these things already but be , willing to work for less if you have to , because the opportunity is going to be , more valuable I mean obviously you got , to make enough money to be able to pay , for yourself while you're while you're , going to school but I would would , definitely start there , now if you can't do that if you can't , get a job programming that's fine then , hey then then just get whatever job I , mean you go work construction go like do , manual labor whatever it is that's going , to get you the money that's going to get , it so that you can study again that's , why I started off saying that don't let , anything be beneath you obviously aim , for what you can but don't pass up , opportunities right you know when you , don'thieve something don'ts nub anything , okay when you'vie got a good job , sure you can you can snub a lower job , but never never think that it's beneath , you just think that you don't need that , opportunity just politely decline , opportunities at that time but but but , see what you could do there you know I , think there's a lot of ways to use the , skills that you have the final thing , I'll say is that you could start a side , business on your own but you're probably , not going to like make a lot of money , it's probably going to take some time to , do that so I would really not go towards , that if you're trying to get money for , in this short in the short term what I , would do if I were you is I would spend , about two weeks looking for a , development related job at the same time , I'd be throwing out some resumes for , kind of manual labor jobs jobs that you , can get temporarily , that maybe don't pay so much that are , going to be easier to get okay just so , you can get the money so that you're , definitely you know guaranteed to get , something and then if the development , jobs don'Pan out in a couple of weeks , maybe you could still keep on trying but , I would go and I would take another job , that just to get that money and it's be , able to to to have the ability to do , what you want to do in life right so , sometimes you're going to have to like I , said scrub toilets or whatever it is in , order to be able to enable yourself you , know I'vie been in definitely in , positions where I'vie had to do stuff , that that I did't want to do to get to , where I want to go you can't always you , know you can't you can't always be , choosy alright I hope that helps you and , good luck with with finding your job if , you like this video if you haven't , subscribed already just click that , subscribe button below and you'll get , all the videos that do every week here , on simple programmer and I'll talk to , you next time take care