Sunday, April 21, 2019

Complete Step by Step Guide | Amazon FBA For Beginners 2019 | How To Make Money Online


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but then two things are happening this , weekend one get a haircut'm so , excited I can't wait , so maybe during this blog you'll see my , new hairdo , I'm going to get it died and everything , so I'morally excited and I know you're , excited too and now I'm going to go do , some retail arbitrage which basically , means that Iago to I'm going to Walmart , and I'm going to just basically grab , some stuff that I know that Icahn make a , profit office and then I'm going to ship , it off Amazon touching also grabbed a , few other books that found today that , Should be able to make about bucks , off so excited about that yeah it's all , about getting the deals getting the deal , guy , [Music] , hey guys so I wanted to show you kind of , what I got got a bunch of these mugs , they're like the Pioneer Woman and , basically I'll be making about nine , dollars and ten cents profit off of , these sou got ten of them so I'll be , making $from those and then I thought , these some and I got these cameras and , they were on sale for twenty one dollars , they the profit is W so I'll basically , make bucks off of each one of those , cameras so yeah not Nita bad day you , know took me about what half-hour hour , hour and made a couple hundred dollars , not too bad , so now you know what Amazon FBI's all , about , [Music] , Oh , Oh , [Music] , [Music] , ha ha , some of you are wondering how do I know , what its going to make profit and how , do I know if it's going to sell , basically the app the Amazon seller app , tells you all of that so it tells you , the ranking and it tells you what your , profits going to be and you do have to , learn the ranking numbers but there's so , many people out there doing mess on , FBA that there's so many resources you , really can't go wrong it's really easy , learn so now on the way home and a , little bit later Igor a hair , appointment so maybe the next time you , see me I'll have a new hairdo okay so , this book is going to give me a really , good return three of again there are , only three bucks each and the profit is , about eleven dollars so I'looking at , about eight bucks for each one of these , book sand then this one I had on my , bookshelf as well this one'seagoing to , give me a profit of about eight dollars , and W cents so all told I'm going to be , making almost $W off of these books , which really USN't that bad of a deal , hey guys so this week I did blog but my , week was really really boring and as I , was editing it I just thought man I , could do better than this and so instead , of giving you a boring Volga decided to , highlight one of the most interesting , aspects of my week and that was learning , about Amazon Band so those of you , that are really interested in this and , wanting to know what it's all about or , maybe you need an extra stream of income , I'm going to teach you a little bit , about Amazon Band what I'vie learned , so faro'm brand new at it but Figured , that that's a perfect time because I can , give you the information as I learn it , and maybe allow you to learn At , similar pace as myself and I'm going to , link lot of videos down below because , there's tons of people have done videos , that are really helpful that I found and , then I don'thieve to re-explain a lot of , the stuff that they have already , explained in details giving tutorials , and all of that but really want to , just give you an overview and give you , kind of an idea of what it's like to do , Amazon Fibs what is Amazon FBA first , of all Otis having your own amazon , store and you basically provide the , inventory and then Amazon fulfills , everything they hand all the customer , service everything so it's amazon , fulfillment by Amazon so it's really , really nice because people can utilize , Prime and get free shipping and all of , that and you get utilize that audience , and those clients is already on Amazon , and worsen't on Amazon so for those , people that want to start their own , product line for example and they put , their item on Amazon and then people , start buying from them on Amazon they , get great rating sand then they can , actually migrate that client base to , their own website over time so you can , build your brand on Amazon and I think , that's amazing that's definitely a , direct , that I want to go to in the future but , you do have to have a good amount of , capital to you know basically go and buy , all of the the merchandise and you're , going to be working with suppliers and , it's awfully-on other process I'm going , to link up video down below of a , gentleman that actually taught at a , conference the step by step process that , you go through to source and find , suppliers and how you go through , creating a product there's two things , that people do when they're creating , their own product they either go and , find something that is very popular , right now on Amazon and and then they , you know ride that bus or they'll find , something that'serially popular that has , really bad ratings don't prove upon that , product they'll stick their label on it , and then start to sell it so there's , kind of two different ways that you can , focus in that regard when you're , labeling stuff for your own business , then there's a whole norther group of , people that instead of private labeling , things they will work with suppliers , they will go out and do retail arbitrage , some of them and what that is basically , going to some place like Walmart or , Mars halls or TJ Mexicans you go you find , a deal and you scan the bar code with an , app which is called the Amazon seller , app and it will tell you one if you can , sell that product and it will tell you , after fees what your profits going to be , so you can kind of tell if it'seagoing to , be worth it the other thing it will tell , you is the rating of that product on , Amazon the rating is really important , because that's going to determine if , your products going to sell you want it , to have ascertain rating to know that , you're going to get a return or whatever , you're selling at Amazon so with that , there's actually a list'm also going , to put a link below of the ranking son , Amazon of all the different product snow , there are certain restricted categories , that you're not supposed to sell in and , and Amazon will flag those things when , you scan them the best way to just , figure out what you can , CEL is to again scan things and see if , it's restricted and you can also apply , all at at Amazon to get basically the , right to be able to sell in certain , categories for example in clothing , clothing is and shoes are category , that is restricted but if Walden't , applied you need to have ascertain , amount of stock in hand you need copy of , your invoices all of that and eventually , you you know could possibly be approved , by Amazon to sell in those areas so but , if you're just going to start out there , really is alto of product that you can , sell that's not restricted so I , encourage you to start there and then , you know branch out is if you need to , from both of these groups of people , those that go out and you know go to go , to garage sales or do the retail , arbitrage or those that brand their own , lab eland come up with their own product , both of these groups of people are , making about the same amount of money , so it seems right around eight nine , months people are generally at least , making ten thousand dollars month and , then they just continue to grow from , there I know there was one gal that I , found that was selling women's waist , trainers and she's making,W a month , and now she's moved her her product off , of Amazon I think she's got like one , product out there right now the rest of , it's on her website and then you know , she charges a lot of money for those , things no wand so that's an example of , establishing your own brand and then , bring it on your website and then those , that you know do this retail arbitrage , well where does that go well there is a , gentleman that I found who basically has , relationship with suppliers just random , products retail type product sand he , sends truckloads he has awfully-on , warehouse since truckloads to Amazon and , sells it so you can you know ideally , grow either model that you choose , whether it'shaving your own product or , whether it'just you know working with , suppliers and coming up with business , that you know sells a ton of different , products on Amazon so it's a really , great way , to create extra income'vie also found , that the majority of the people that , really invest and start right right away , and you know they have a certain amount , of capital to be able to work with , they'll generally make you know right , around thousand to two thousand the , first month but again it'seagoing to , really what's really going to determine , how much money you make is how much , money you invest in inventory upfront , and if that inventory what the value of , that inventory is if that inventory is , sell able and has a higher you know good , rating for sale sand then you're just , going to ship all that stuff in and and , the nit'll sell and that'show you make , money so um there's very degrees of , profit just based on those things so , somebody that has you know several , thousand dollars to be able to go out , and buy a bunch inventory and ship it , off you know to Amazon then they're , going to make more than somebody that , only Haas hundred dollars Inc I'm , saying so and as you continue to put , more and more inventory into your store , the more that you sell the more you're , going to make and so that's why after , you know eight nine months you're able , to get this really great income coming , in because it takes time for things to , sell and that'st he other thing is it's , not necessarily an instant thing you , could you know uh fill your inventory , with a certain product and it dozen't , sell for months so this is not a quick , turnaround thing it'snot a you know get , rich type of a thin git's something that , you ha veto invest in that's going to , take time and it takes you know it's a , little bit of lint it's a little bit of , labor to be able to type in and put all , this stuff into this computer system and , print out all these labels and put , shipping labels on them and everything , there's a gentleman actually went , through this process and talks about how , to do your first shipment'm going to , put a link to that video in the notes so , if you're really interested in this and , you want to know how to do your first , shipment you can watch that video now , when you really start to get into it , and maybe you're making quite a bit of , money and you and you know you're really , investing a lot of money into it and , it's your business then there's other , things that you can invest in other , software online software other apps and , things that you can download there's one , app out there that's collides scan and , it tell you a little bit more , information about what you know how how , that product has listed other people , that are BA's that have the product , listed what it's listed at all of that , you'll get a lot more information so , that you can make that better decision , when you're purchasing your inventory , but again that one's like bucks a , month so until you're really making a , good income I would't suggest , necessarily downloading the app you only , need your compute rand iPhone to start , right so you don't need really , anything to start you just need to start , and you can even just go to garage sales , or find free books that people are , getting rid of and scan those and see if , you get profit off of them , so the other thing to know about , starting as an Amazon seller if you go , to you know the Amazon seller website , and there's two options you can either , sign up as an individual you're only , going to sell a few products or you sign , up as a professional if you sign up for , as a professional then you do ha veto , pay W bucksaw month and you're then , planning on just putting a ton of , inventory into your store and so that's , what most people do you can start and , you don't have to have a business to , start but most people after they start , the business and they realize it works , they'll establish an LLC which is really , wise to do because you're just protected , legally if someone tries to see you , because of a bad product or whatever it , may Boer they're not happy those things , happen so it's really good for that , purpose and then you know for tax , purposes and all of that it keeps things , in line and and you do need to go out , and get a tax resale certificate or , license however your state doe sit most , of them are free know in Texas it's , free because you can also do this if you , are overseas in a different country in , fact the international markets there's a , really great opportunity there right now , and and it's growing and it's a lot more , opportunity there than just the US , Amazon so that's something to think , about as Welland you might even want to , start with Amazon UK you can open up , another account on Amazon UK and you , just need to ship your product off to , the Amazon UK location sand you can use , the same business the same LLC the same , bank account all of that and that's , pretty easy in there's there's some , services that you can opt into just , around the difference in currency and , processing and all of that that can save , you some money but essentially that's , really you know it's not something like , you have to have to start so again you , know there's a lot of layers to all of , this there's a big learning process but , if you want to start today you want to , you know try to see if you can make a , profit if you want to see if it'seagoing , to work for you highly recommend that , you just gonad you open up an account , and you know put your information in , there and start to send in inventory and , test and see if it sells for you and if , you enjoy the process because you know , it's not for wienies it's a tough it's a , tough thing too you know again input all , of that stuff ship it all out it takes , time it takes effort and again you're , investing a lot upfront in order to , make profits so it's not like an , overnight thing again it's like your , typical business , the only awesome thing about , is that you already have that client , base on Amazon and that you can you know , really grab ah old of and Amazon allows , you to promote your listings to so you , can promote the you know advertise your , listing sand then get more revenue that , way as well because when someone , searching for your particular product , your product is on the home page again I , hope that this video helps you and kind , of answer to your questions around , Amazon FBAI will let you know how much , Image initially I spent about hundred , dollars when it comes to shipping the , fees you know and Amazon and all the , things that you know upfront I shipped , in a lot of my own books and that sort , of thing and try to just make money off , of what I already had in my home well , we'll see if'm able to make certain , amount of revenue if I'm able to you , know double what I invested upfront or , triple it and'll keep you posted and , let you know how it goes and if this is , something I'm going to continue but it's , very interesting and you know when I saw , these young people out there that were , making $W,W a month thought what in , the world am i doing like I need to be a , part of this right and I figured that , since am a business coach and you know , I'm very much of a serial entrepreneur , might as well you know be a part of this , too and you know make some extra cash on , the side and provide you guys with the , resource as well because I know so many , of you are starting your businesses for , the first time and you're really needing , an extra stream of income and something , that dozen't necessarily depend on , having to build you know business , overs long period of time and I mean , really eight nine months if it takes , that long of a time to you know get some , decent income in I think that it's , really worth it right so we'll see guys , we'll see what happens with all of this , and I'll keep you posted and and I'll , continue to blog about it let me know in , the notes if you want me to continue to , do some more videos on Amazon FBA and , to give you some more information on it , I'd be glad to continue doing these , videos and let you know how it's working , for me so guys thanks for watching my , video thank you for subscribing to my , YouTube channel , don't worry I'm going to continue to do , leasebacks I know you guys like those , but again was really sick this week , and you know it justest't it just , wan't interesting guys I just have an , interesting I was exhausted all the , time and I thought that it was just , probably the best just to give you , information Brown and Amazon Fibs , again look at all the links in the notes , of this video to help you succeed if you , really want to give this a try so I , think that's about it guys we'll see in , the next video .

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