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what's going on worldwide where is your , boy Marco Bennett , the original student of the game with , internet marketing you guys are probably , trying to figure out why am i all , dressed up Gucci I got a date with , destiny okay , this date with destiny guy sis W times , my business within the next year and you , guys are fighting to start to do great , internet marketing your training tonight , guys that'seagoing to enable you guys to , be able to take your business to an all , new level for you guys who want to join , me you're gonna actually get to see my , new legendary marketing funnel guy sand , you guys are actually going to get to , step into the phone if you want to guys , up into the list so you can actually see , email swipe copy everything guys you're , gonna come in to see it tonight okay , we're talking about speaking out our , success into existence here tonight guys , so you're in for a super treat so we'll , grab something good to ea tor maybe some , popcorn something to drink guys give me , about W minutes of your time and let's , get started okay listen guys when I got , involve din their marketing right there , were people who would actually you know , I I started teaching myself some things , and then I felt like you know I really , needed some coaching in some training , and some instruction right so I went out , and started looking for a coach and , I'm telling you guys every person did , not contact me I mean I spoke to , millionaire son the phone guys and a , couple of six-figure high six-figure , earners right and every time guys I , contacted the asking about their , coaching programs each and every one of , them guys tried to charge Meir'm telling , you guys no less than $5,W to start , coaching me now am I telling you guys , that you should't invest in coaching , for yourself and turn your internet , marketing training no guys I'm not , telling you that but I did't have , $5,W I'm minimum$5,W to invest so , guess what I did guys I took the other , round became student at a game of , internet marketing and what I did guys , a promise to myself that was gonna , start teaching myself every single thing , I could guys to build my own internet , marketing business guys now have I , purchased training system yes I have , guys but I continue this right noway lot , of people are gonna overcharge you for , training that they're charging you guys , and guess what all that is is going to , be training on top of training on top of , training pieces of a puzzle it'snot , really going to get you guys the results , that you want not all the time you just , tell me that it's possible and it will , happen guys very prevalent in the , internet marketing space so what , decided to do guys was really really , fine some some truly transparent people , right teamed up with me you guys started , delving into the internet marketing , right become a student of the game in , their marketing and I'going to teach , myself all these things guys so tonight , guys again let's talk about what you , guys are in for tonight oh my I actually , take it's Friday now again some of you , guys may not see this- sorry some you , guys man I see it the sunny dozen't , matter guys you know it's hey I'm , putting up videos right now guys I'm , probably doing probably about 7 to W , videos every week and that's on your , loan I got videos that you guys are , gonna be able to see with even more , explosive information it'gonna teach , you guys all kinds of things but that's , some stuff that's going on behind the , scenes you guys get to see there so , first let me tell you if you're finally , for the very first time guys go ahead on , and subscribe to the list do that right , now get that out of the wacko number , two go grab a pencil guys well bookmark , this page if you do not want to , subscribe you want to come back here , guys you want to be in a part of this , training because again there are people , out here it will charge you guys lots of , money to learn this unless you'vie got , that kind of money guys this is where , you want to be again I made some notes , to myself guys and one of the things , that you like I said you guys are gonna , make it do is you're going to be able to , see my brand new legendary markers , following guys you guys I mean stepping , to the funnel , get on my list see the actual emails , that my list is going to start to , receive you guys are going to be able to , see how I own the process guys and how , you guy scan own the process as Welland , it's really very very you know just , great information that you can start , implementing in your business right now , today guys okay if you are serious about , starting a small business making money , online only in the process guys and not , having to spend fortune right you get , inhere and start earning while you , learn so the very first thing I did guys , with my new and my latest marketing , funnel which is built around a legendary , marketers Club if you guys have bee non , my channel you guys have see nit you , guys know how explosive it is you know , how powerful it is right so what'vie , done guy sis over the course for the , last couple of weeks , among st other things guys because IOU , know built my own capture pages you guys , know I do that and so this is capture , page maybe this is capture page ad guys , because I created five capture pages for , the funnel and the reason I create , different capture pages guys are sou , can do what we call split testing and , then split testing guys that's that , enables me to go out and create you know , I'm gonna copy write everything right , guys now so I'm able to go out and , create different headlines right and , create different pages and I test them , against each other to see which ones are , gonna come and get me the best opt-in , rates right because when we talk about , starting your own business online and , we're email marketing this concern guys , the very first thing we want to be doing , is building our own list that process , starts with the capture or the squeeze , page and that's what you guys are , looking at right now I just redid this , page guy sit is ready to go I actually , have traffic scheduled to start running , to this particular capture page on , October 1 guys are usually scheduled on , traffic on the way that's the way it is , setup and so this page right now you're , looking at guys , the page it's the front door to my store , guy sit's gonna'm gonna start driving , traffic into right and so people can get , on my list and they can start going , through my cell phone and again you guys , are gonna be there go through the sales , funnel all right now tonight absolutely , freaking killing this you can see , exactly how I start to correspond with , my this as they come into my phone so , this is the very first page guys and , what I'vie done for this page I'm not , gonna enter my email address any guys I , don't want to do that it's gonna take , you guys over tithe bridge page right , my Thank You page and I'gonna show you , guys three examples Thank You pages that , I created that my potential potential , prospects will see once they opt-in no , I'm not gonna do it but my prospects , would actually internet their email , address in here guy sand when they ask , for instant access let me show you what , he's got is gonna be redirected to this , is number this is the first guys of the , first Thank You page did't let me use , it AIs go out are split test you know , this is a thank you place and as you can , see probably I'm saying to my prospects , thanks for opting in right I'vie been , waiting for you okay , that's what he went after he opted into , my capture page now what'vie created , was at hank you page on the other side , everything you guys are looking at that , right now why do you want to do this in , your business card because you want to , create a lay the foundation for a , branding aspect of your business right , at the front door guys , so as my prospects come into our funnel , you can see I'm already branding myself , how I'm branding myself with my logo , like the very top guys and then I have a , personal video right and'm gonna let , you guys listen to just a little bit of , Otto show you what my potential , Cross man here when they come into the , funnel and you guys get to hear this , entirely when you when you gonna go , email adjust into my capture page which , you'll have an opportunity to do but I , want you guys as you'redoing it to try , to really understand the power of it , okay so let's listen to a little bit of , what I'm saying to my prospect as they , just come onto my list okay I can only , get the volume going it guys , but maybe maybe maybe okay I don'TKO , what's going inhere guys I'm not , getting any minute , the original students a game okay , Michael Peters kind of slow so hopefully , guys'm gonna get through this and then , marketing'm that guy guys always in , this place we're ready okay but you guys , get the idea right you get the idea of , where it is I'm going and the power of , having thank you page right , okay gonna do this stuff off the fly , guys can do that I built these these , three these three Thank You pages within , the last W minutes guys okay you know , you guys look on you YouTube you'll see , I'll put the videos up I create the , page sand I do it so okay that's the , power of doing this kind of thing now , you you got your branding aspect right , you got your branding aspect that's part , of this because they came into my , capture page now there are -I want to , thank them for coming don't you like , this Ital a little bit more right , about myself right about them Frank what , is it they want and what did it what , they're looking for right so and I do , that on all three pages guys so let's , take a look at page thank you page , number two okay there we go guys just , shot this video today right out at the , roughly part right and again guys , alternate these Thank You pages right so , Indeed to test it for capture page this , particular Thank You page will be , connecting to another capture page that , I'm testing and I in that way I get to , see which ones are working best against , each other guys and then finally let's , take look at number three , Believe three is here right now in , this particular Thank You page guys I do , something a little bit different in this , Thank You page here guys what I'modding , is I'm redirecting to the Thank You page , from the capture page right but in this , particular Thank You page I'm talk , to people little bit more about my , legendary marketers club but I'm also , congratulating one of the newest members , of the legendary marketer Club it just , happened to join my team right now today , so now guys you got a little bit of , proof right that it work sand you're , sharing that proof with your new , prospects as they're coming in so they , can counter get an idea guy sand know , that it works right and then you're , branding yourself at the same time and , then guys here's the beauty of where , this is where this really comes together , in a very beautiful way guys okay now in , every Thank You page right I , congratulate my prospects for coming , onto Mother's I talked a little bit more , with a presentation that I prepared in , the video that I put just below and then , guys what I want to do I want to come , right down hey guys I want to take my , prospects over to the actual , presentation that they get in full so , let's click there real quick guy sand , see where it is my prospect swill go , once they click that button now this is , where they come guys okay and this is a , beautiful funnel by the way guys for , every beautiful right I love this funnel , so this is where it all comes together , guys again there's that branding aspect , of myself guys still there right , they still knows me I'm still doing the , branding right but what I'vie done guys , is I'vie taken my video sales matter , created a mini website and I'vie been , betting the video inside my mini website , went branding myself right continuing , their brand myself to about the whole , process so now guys you saw from the , broader front dual prospects enter onto , my list on my squeeze page on my capture , Page redirected to thank You page so , let's go back W Thank You pages right , where I was able to talk little bit , more to my prospect right as they hang , onto my list right kind of warm up what , it is they're about to see guys and when , they click down here , without the rectum to do they come , straight over to even more branding for , myself guys and an explosive , presentation by my partner Dave sharp , that's in their marketing guys in a , nutshell can build funnels like this , guys in W minutes if I want to when I'm , really taking my time you know I gotta , go in and dot all the highs cross all , the t's make sure that my my wife as he , does that for we make sure that my cooks , away my Spelling's right my wife does a , lot of the embedding for me that kind of , thing but the point is you can do this , kind of thing guy sand I told you guys , that you know you would get to see an , illustration of how you can own the , process right you can almost excuse my , camera guys I'm kind of funny how you , can own the process I own this process , guys from start to finis hand guess what , guys , when you own the process right you can , automate the process guys so what does , that mean that means that I have my , funnel completely built out guys right , now what do I ha veto do my absolute , only soul requirement guys after I'vie , done this Throughout nation all , addiction of punctuation right all my , videos are embedded where I want to be , my VA cells or should I say my capturing , squeeze pages I'll redirect into my , bridge pages which are Thank You pages , in this case all the spelling is correct , I'm redirecting from there straight to , everyone I redirect to guy sit's done , right NOW work on several of these at , one time I'm working on probably about , five or six even as we speak but the , point is guys and that's just me that's , just mama an AK way of doing things I , can't just do one thing at a time always , looking down the road guys I'm always , working on several things at a time'm , always looking at even more income , streams that I can add to my bottom line , but thing is this here's the real beauty , of it when you create one of these , photos guy sand by the way you guys are , gonna get a funnel just like this with , everything done for you right if you so , choose on this action takers Friday Oh , whenever you happen to see it guys , dozen't matter but when you have this , kind of thing in place guys your , absolute only soul requirement after , that is to start running traffic into , your phone right start with running , traffic into your funnel you know , Halloween your cell phone the cells , system you go out and work for you on , complete automation now how does that , work it works through traffic on well , how do you get traffic traffic is , everywhere guys but let me tell you , something all traffic it truly is not , created equal guys and I'm finding it , out very very very fast , assignment I'll tell you guys right now , guys Purchased some traffic guys and , got no results at all and just because , you purchased traffic dozen't always , translate into that being a bad traffic , source there are all kinds of things , we're going to be testing throughout the , sales funnel as you build it evenly you , own the process you still gotta make , sure guys that you are putting up , capture pages that are converting , squeeze page that are converting and you , do that by checking your headlines you , know read by learn you become a great , copyright all of which guys you're gonna , be learning all these things'm just , telling you there'smote involved just , because you buy traffic and you don't , get any compressor dozen't necessarily , there's a bad traffic source but traffic , is a very funny thing so we're gonna be , talking lot more about track but once , you have yourselves funnel setup guys , just know that the only thing you really , ha veto do after that once you find a , reliable , traffic source right when you can get , people who are truly , diligently seeking any type of , information right product sin the , services that your marketing and , advertising then you can find that miss , guys did all you do is tap into that , nest on driving traffic right let's go , back for one second start driving , traffic in to your squeeze page guys , because the system takes over after that , and I did't mention the fact that no , that person's on love these guys have , my Mike bus fleas pages right my capture , pages are integrated with my , transponder and again if you guys so , choose you can step into the campaign , you can actually see ho wit all comes , together , because oh go shin this particular in , this particular campaign want to say I , have at least in this campaign email , follow-up email messages that are , scheduled Togo out to the people coming , onto my Liston complete automation , I'vie spaced them out guys over a day , apart but check this up I wanna gotta , added them aside Bob will talk I'vie , heard people say don'Tamil your list , every single day you will you will just , you know opt out good I don't care , people those guys'm gonna eat my , mother's every single day by way of my , autoresponderwell I mean I'm gonna have , a message scheduled to go out to minutes , every single day guys for at least W , days maybe even longer why would I do , that , right because guys do you know how many , do this most of your potential prospects , in most of the traffic that you're going , to acquire will not tell us something so , super super pumped up services in terms , of track you'll pay a little bit more , for it I'm just going to be worth your , while we'll talk about that but most , people knives but most of the traffic is , gonna be- anyways there are lots of , people mascots there are lots of list , how many lists are you on how many , emails do you get every single day right , so you want to be emailing us every day , most people they check in and look at , emails maybe they're not they are now so , if you're emailing them every day guys , your chances of getting there front of , those people and getting your emails , over are better than if you're emailing , them every now and get now a lot of , people it dozen'really matter because , on any given day you never know when , your potential prospects or going to be , opening your emails but you know what , guys you can even get better with that- , your email open rate there anytime all , those kinds of things right and that's , the beauty of having automated cells , for most guys CZ they do the work for , you know when they go out and they start , doing work for you talk about the split , test and you guys are seeing three , different versions of thank-you page , that I create dwell for every Thank You , page that happen , have any different capture page and I , don'twat to give you guys information , overload I'm just telling you guys that , because part of the process is about , testing right and twink so when you're , doing split testing guys you also are , getting to do comparisons in terms of , what squeeze pages and capture pages are , coming for any better than others which , Thank You pages versus another Thank You , page it's converting better than others , you don'thieve to do all that off the , block guys but what you do need is the , later foundation for what you need to do , when you talk about going out step of , making money online because by laying , the foundation what I mean is you want , to start guys you can I have an , opportunity to start right now tonight , we'vie done for you sales funnels okay if , you guys have not been following me with , my legendary marketer marathon just just , as a late guy sexist on our silkily I , did a number video on legendary , marketers Club and I got them allover , my channel you got subscriber you can , find and watch that presentation guys , and if you watched it right and you're , gonna get to see it all again tonight , guys goes tonight I'm giving you again , that opportunity to step into the funnel , to step into it this see what it is how , this comes together in real time right , there's no guessing right you just put , your email address in and watch what it , is I do in real time but you guys right , don't have to do any of these things , with it when you become a member of the , legendary marketers club tonight guys , what you're gonna have an opportunity to , do that night it started learning this , type of thing that's why I was because I , did't and you're not gonna learn it all , overnight either not for you brand new , people it's gonna take you time but to , learn that guy's you're gonna need to , have foundation and with the training , was going to give you going to have that , foundation to start with learning with , email marketing internet marketing , affiliate marketing is all about and at , the same time guys while you're , immersing yourself in the training that , we're going , provide is a member of the legendary , club we're going to give you something , for you funds that's already ready guys , okay and we're gonna give you some , traffic sources so that you can start , earning while you learn because most , people guys don't tell you because Iowas , one of them when they start trying to , make money or lunch and they don't make , money within the first W days or W , days usually gods right around that W , day period if they haven't made any , money they quit right so what we want to , do guys is he's eliminate that problem , with the legendariesmarketer Club and , we're gonna get because we're gonna give , you dumping you phones but you can just , run traffic at you we're gonna give you , traffic that you can ta pinto the run , traffic into those funnel sand they're , done for you even right down to your , email follow-ups that we're going to , send to your list as you start to build , it bu tin the meantime guys because you , want to ultimately become a student of a , game of internet marketing right you , want to become an imaginary marketer in , your own right you just take the , training that we're gonna give you guys , and if you're serious and you mash this , up in the training that we're going to , provide you can start teaching yourself , how to build your own sales funnel show , to build your own squeeze pages your own , capture pages how to become abettor , copywriter guys and start writing your , own email follow-up sequences right is , just the tip of the iceberg bu tit has , to start somewhere right so if you're , sick and tired you know being sick in , time and people trying to overcharge you , put that coaching programs right because , they will and you just keep buying , pieces of a puzzle it's not taking you , anywhere guys all right I did it to the , two of thousands of dollars , guys it was until I got serious and I , immersed myself and I decided that I , wan't gonna pay that kind of money to , just continue my pieces of a puzzle and , again I'm not talking about everybody , right because you have some great , leaders got some great internet , marketers right , who will take you down on the right path , but what I'm telling you guys you can , shortcut you can take a shortcut , shortcut meaning oh and you can cu ta , lot of that learning curve down on the , front end start earning right so you , won't get discouraged while you're , learning that's a win-win situation guys , you married those two things together , right the ability to start earning even , before you start learning in some cases , right but you want to be learning right , but it's a beautiful thing guys and , that'SWAT you guys'm going to have , an opportunity to do right now the night , guys on action takers funny because look , I'm gonna leave the link but you know , why so extra tickets Friday because the , only way you guys are going to access it , is by coming through my capture page , that's how we're gonna do this tonight , okay , normally you guys can go back and look , at some of our videos on YouTube you can , find the links some of the links that , you gonna be redirected to after you , come into my list but tonight we're not , doing that way the only way guys you get , to see you see everything that I just , talked about are you going to get to see , it again but you got to come on to my , list and the reason why I want you guys , to do that is because I want you to see , this process in its entirety from start , to finish okay , that's why I cal lit Friday night scene , takers okay because um that's what I'm , gonna do with me Friday guys I think you , know dozen't matter I mean you see it , you still will have the same opportunity , but what I'm saying ISO want you guys , to do something right okay not Id on't , want you to be reactive necessarily I , want you to be proactive right we talked , about only in the process committing to , the process taking on becoming , students of the game of internet , marketing that means that there's not , there's a part of this equation guys in , fact the biggest part of this equation , is all about you not me guys okay and , you learning some things you never knew , you never knew and as you start to learn , them to start implementing but even , before you learned everything you think , that it is you need to know and it's an , ongoing process by the way you're gonna , have an opportunity to start learning it , is a win-win situation guys I'mg lad you , guys are here I'm gonna way past my time , guys I appreciate you guys so very much , event on on the video again got the , shades that means it's all about action , you'll find the link to these capture , pains right must , he's paid in some wherein this video on , YouTube a few guys all my let's just , click the continue button and you guys , are gonna be to come into the funnel , right watch how it ISO redirect from my , father to my Thank You page my bridge , page and how I'm able to read it read to , my VSL my video sales letter that , powerful presentation from the Thank You , page guys and you guys watch it in box , CZ you're gonna start receiving emails , from me guys every single day and that's , how we do this thing so again guys to , get super pumped get super excited take , some action onus become proactive I , take that very first step , alright if you serious okay that's my , time guys I'm so sorry but I'm so , excited I gotta go guys , sleep Think I call anyway this is your , boy got smiling Bennett wishing you , guys wisdom peace prosperity and to live , in a dynamic digital internet lifestyle , without that let's keep banging guys , hopefully you'll be receiving my welcome , emails in your inbox pretty soon and , you'll be walking yourself straight , through the funnel teaching yourself , what it is to own the process guys what , it is to use and automated don't for you , sales phone they can go out and stop , working for you Guy's hours a day , seven days week W days a yea rand , whatever you do guys let me say this , before I get off don't get my enthusiasm , confused with hype okay don't don't , don't don't do that guys okay I'm like , this all the time but watch some other , videos guys anyway Gotta get out of , here guys I'll see you guy son the next , video keep banging