Friday, April 12, 2019

to make money online - What craft should you sell ?


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do you want to start selling your crafts , online but you're not sure which one you , should be selling in this video I'm , going to help you figure outwith the , full framework what products are the , best chances to getting new sales so you , can build a successful handmade shop , let's dive in hi I'm Deb I'm the founder , fatally tackle a website will help you , start and grow a successful handmade , shop today I want to help you pick what , products to sell online because maybe , you'll see passionate and you can create , all sorts of different awesome crafts , and handmade products from jewelry to , new meetings on macrame maybe do some , paintings and pottery as Welland maybe , so more but unfortunately you can't sell , everything and anything you make you , need to niche down so your shop is , cohesive and so people lending on the , homepage of your shop know what your , shop is about that's going to be crucial , to make sales having too many different , types of products that have nothing to , do with each other is a sure way to fail , and to suffer from the dreaded delis , stigma store and I have a full video , about what I call the dollar stigma , store on my channel which will link , below this video so you can watch it , when you're done watching this one so , the real question is how do you decide , how do you pick what you should sell and , in this video I'm going to give you a , framework for that now also actually , have a free download workbook that you , can grab just build the video I'll add , the link as well so that you don'tend , to take notes and you can really just , watch the video but then print that , workbook and do the work after so you , can take more time to actually do the , research and use the tools that'm , about to recommend to you and the way , we're going to do this today is in two , part sand the reason for that is because , there's two key ingredients to selling , handmade products online and doing it , successfully so that you can actually , make money from it the first ingredients , is that people need to buy what you make , and Icon , sounds a little bit obvious but it's , crucial right and what this means is , that we need to make sure that there is , a demand for the particular product that , you're thinking of selling and we'll , cover that to make sure that that's the , case and we'll also talk about trends , and how to leverage them to your , advantage and the second ingredient sis , that you need to be able to make a , profit from those products and again it , sounds a little bit like dud that sounds , kind of like obvious but some products , are easier to profit from into scale , than others if you don't want to be , working hundred hours week which we , don't want you to do so that's the two , main thing that we're going to be , considering today and that's why we're , going to do to do sorry this video in , two parts let's go starting with , pipeline of a little decision framework , here and we're going to look at your , market and the demand for the products , that you're considering selling the , questions we want to answer is why , people actually buying and is this thing , going to sell and the first step to , doing that is gorging interest and what , we really want to understand is are , people even interested in this type of , products are they searching for it when , they are online because if no one is , searching for it no one is looking for , it it'seagoing to be very hard to get , enough traffic to your shop that you can , actually make a sustainable income from , it now a few practical tools to help you , decide on whether there's interest for , that product or not and'vie leased all , of them in your workbook again it can , download below this video so make sure , to download that first tool that I want , to mention is the Google Keyword planner , too land this is a free tool that Google , offers you can go in type in a few , keywords around your product and what , you're thinking of creating and selling , and see how many people are actually , searching for that online each month and , you will quickly see if there is , effectively a demand because people are , looking for it or if it's really not , something that interests people that , much you can do the same thing if you're , thinking about opening up an its store , to see what the eight seed , is like go and use some tool like mama , lead or ear ankh and do the same thing , they have free trial and again the links , are in the workbook below this video and , you can really just input key words type , in the type of products that you're , considering creating and seeing how many , people are searching for it if people , are engaging with these type of products , to really see if there is interest , around it and then the last thing I like , to do is Instagram and literally just go , on Instagram and try to find keywords , and hashtags around that product so if , you'reselling something like a macrame , wall hanging you might want to type in a , hashtag hashtag wall decor wall hanging , macrame and see how many people are , using this on their picture sand if it's , something that seems to be of interest , or if it's a bit hard to get higher , numbers of image sand engagement on , those type of picture snow step two is , looking at the competition and what we , want to know here is are there any , competitor sin this market in this niche , for this type of product that I'm , thinking of selling if yes it's a good , thing do they seem to be doing okay are , there making sales is the next thing you , want to ask yourself if so it's a good , thing and I know most people feel , competition and yeah fair enough it's a , scary thing because we'rethinking how , am Going to standout but the truth is , it's actually good thing because it's , really someone else that's tested the , waters for you and that's able to say , hey yeah there's a market for this I'm , doing quite well so don't be afraid of , competition if there is competition , there ISS demand for the product that , you're thinking of selling if there is , no competition it's most likely a sign , that there is no demand for that type of , product rather than a sign of you having , a stroke of genius and inventing , something that no one thought of before , okay step three is considering trends , and that's a big one so we really need , to understand this and what it means the , truth is that most category of handmade , products that you're most likely , considering selling are never really , going to go out of fashion people are , always going to , ceramics and pottery they're always , going to the artwork to decorate the , home there and printable they're always , going to wear socks and t-shirts and , meats and the list goes on , what's important is less so the category , of products that you want to make but , what you're going to make them look like , so if you're asking yourself should I , sell mugs or should I sell baby socks , honestly the answer is it depends what , you're going to make each of them look , like so we don't worry about the trends , in terms of like the category of , products there's never aye where , people buy more socks or more pottery or , more you know it dozen'really happen , this way what I would look into is the , trends in terms of color sis green , trending is purple the next thing this , spring what kind of patterns are , trending are we doing florists this , summer are we going polka-dots , what textures and material and fabrics , are seem to be doing quite well at the , moment is velvet in or outdo people , want more vague and leather option , things like that and also themes so , sometimes it's unicorn sand then the , next year we see a lot of you know think , at the moment is all about the llamas , Ya ma's I really don't know how to , pronounce that , you know pirates whatever themes are , trending at the moment that's the type , of trends that you want to be looking , into and understanding so that when you , create your products you can integrate , that inside your product collection and , I'vie included tools to help you do that , in the workbook just fill up this feel , so that you can go on to websites that , will help you figure out what kind of , trends are going on this year and this , season's what kind of color you should , be using and even web sites like Betsy a , freely available forecast on trends and , reports on trends that you can access , really easily for example here I'm , looking up the top trends to watch for , W , we're seeing burnt orange as color , that's trending we're seeing max Miasma , as a trend preserves petals seem to be , doing well , southwestern styles is doing really well , and that's across jewelry that's across , home decor that's across pottery it's , across prints so it dozen't again matter , the category it's more about this style , of the products themselves sloths seem , to be doing well apparently this is , really cute and here to stay Sand S's , style so again , worry less about the category of , products and more about what you're , going to make those products look like , moving on to part 2 where we're going to , actually consider in more details the , product that you are thinking of , creating and selling and the questions , we want to answer here are which , products are the most profitable and , which products are easier to scale now , there is no products that is ab ad idea , to sell online but there are some , products that you will be able to sell , at higher profit margin and that will , allow you to scale your business faster , without working hours and hours and , hours so this is the type of stuff that , we're going to cover now and the first , step actually couple of personal , questions and the fir stone is are you , any good at iotas in are you good enough , at Otto sell this product to sell this , craft professionally and this question I , asked it for two reason number one is , because if you want to make money from , it you need to be able to offer a , product that's good quality and so we , want to make sure because I know for , example if I was to make I can make a , little wallet sure but three months from , no wall the stitches would fall apart , for sure and so would'really be , sustainable as a business so we really , want to make sure that you know your , craft well enough to diving'm sure , that if you're watching this video , that's the case but I felt it was , important to remind you of that and then , the second side of this question is , because the quicker you are are creating , that product the higher profit margin , you're going to make , it will take you less time and time is , something that comes into the pricing , equation as you know the labor cost so , that's important as well that you're not , too slow when you're creating those , product sand then and that'seven more , personal are you happy to focus , exclusively on that category of product , if you're thinking ab outdoing pottery , is there something that you're really , passionate about because you're going to , create and make a lot of product sand so , you want to be sure that you're picking , something that you enjoy doing and , that's actually making you happy again I , feel like'm stating the obvious but , there's no sustainable business if you , can't do it for the long term because , you don't enjoy it step 2 in the second , part is what I call the decision and , guideline sand this is the very last , step in this video so congratulations , for sticking with me I know this was a , video that's a little bit longer than , what usually do but it's an important , decision so I thought it was important , to walk you through the entire process , and what we're doing here is really , asking yourself if you're still stuck , not sure if you want to sell knits or if , you want to sell pottery is really , asking what category of product is , easier to profit from and easier to , scale if that's what you want to do and , so the first thing is is it reproducible , and what I mean by that is that although , you can sell one-of-a-kind items online , it is much harder to sell a lot of them , and to scale a business with ooh k , products one-of-a-kind product then it , is ways ready to ship products that are , easily reproducible so you want to ask , yourself that question again it's not , you know necessarily bad thing if you , want to sell one-of-a-kind product it's , possible bu tit's something to keep in , mind that it's not as easy the second , thing is is it time consuming is it , labor intensive and the reason for that , is that products that take hours and , hours to make all going to be harder to , sell because they will come at a higher , price point again absolutely not a red , flag but something to consider , third is can you easily offer up sales , and down sales and build collection in , this category of product so if I'm , looking at selling pottery I can sell , plates I can sell mugs can sell bowls , I can sell drugs and all types of things , that if someone loved this particular , pattern on this mug , they might also like the plate and , therefore buy several things rather than , just one , which means bigger order and again more , profit so it's always interesting to , start thinking already about the type of , collections that you would be able to , build within this category of product , fourth point is the size and the weight , of your item and again it's not , necessarily red flag but it is easier , and cheaper to ship something like a , postcard in the mail than it is to send , a wooden chair to a customer fifth point , is can you get repeat customers easily , now some of these traits do really well , without getting repeat customers wedding , rings hopefully no one is going to come , back for a second and a third and a , fourth wedding rings and it's an , industry is thriving but generally , speaking it's good if you can find at , area of product and in niche where , people would come back to your store for , more because they loved what they , purchased from you so much that they , would come back from another one so a , good example for that is you know lead , bones and things like that because he , found like that lip balm it was great , for my lip sit smells amazing'm most , likely going to run out of it and come , back to you for another one because I , liked it so much and the last element is , thinking about the seasons and the times , of the yea rand really asking yourself , if this item going to be easy to sell , only in the winter and then might , struggle a little bit for sales during , the summer and spring seasons or is it , something that people are looking for at , anytime during the year because of , course that's better now it dozen'mean , that you can't sell product like , neat that's only sells in the winter , because there's actually countries like , mine herein Austria way away , you guys in the States in the winter , where in the summer and vice versa so , you can always find a market for this , type of product but it is easier to sell , the products that are being searched for , and that people want to buy any time of , the year and that'sit my friend , this was quite a bit of avid which is , why I'vie goat special download for you , that you can download they'll walk you , through all those steps again on papers , you can print it was all the tools that , you need to do the research linked , inside of it so make sure that you , download this before you forge tit's , just a link below the video and thank , you for watching if you like this video , please make sure to subscribe tithe , channel I come up with a new video every , Tuesday to help you start and grow a , profitable and successful handmade shop , and thank you I'll see you next Tuesday , bye bye  

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