Sunday, April 21, 2019

Email Marketing - Make Money Online with Atomic Email Hunter


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what's going on guys it's Brian from BG , meeting innovation and today I want to , bring you some great content if you're , new tithe channel , it's full of digital marketing tips , Communists and really , step-by-step how-to content for any , aspiring entrepreneur that wants to make , money online so if you're new to the , channel go and hit that subscribe button , so you don't miss anything and with that , being said we're just gonna jump right , in , alright guys so today we're gonna be , talking about email marketing little , bit more and I'm gonna give you a , run-through of atomic email hunter which , essentially lets you generate endless , leads pretty much I say endless because , they're pretty much endless they it will , basically let you generate endless leads , by just typing in a keyword and what , this will do is this will skin the , internet you know based on that keyword , whether that's through posts whether , that's blog articles whether that's you , know anything across the board Facebook , there's a million different things , Linked In Yelp you can scan through in , different ways that you can you know , potentially vet through search engines , and different posts and find emails , associated with that keywords so how is , that relevant and why is that relevant , and I'm actually gonna demonstrate that , for you here today now if you did't , check out my video yesterday on how you , can send mass email in I'll post , that up in the right-hand corner as a , card for you guys if you want to check , that out it will basically let you know , how you can send mass email because a , lot of people you know I get that , question all the time people want to , know you know I can't upload my email , list to X Y or Z what's different , option for me so this will let you send , it through meteorological and anybody , can get a gm ail check that out know why , is this relevant and what you know what , is this what's the purpose of this the , way that I use atomic email owner , because I do email marketing you know to , reach out to some of my you know , potential leads for you nowadays for , example one of marketing new courses , whether that's you know a new course or , a different promotion across the board , but this is not necessarily for this , this is just generating in my opinion at , least targeted leads fora certain niche , that you want to market to to make money , for now what does that actually mean , that's a lot of you know big words to , somebody that's potentially new at this , but why is that relevant to how come you , make money off that what I'm essentially , gonna do is I'm here max bounty and I'm , gonna look for a CPA offer essentially , that's going to let me send an email , mar kit was but it's gonna let me send , something just to give you a quick , example you know send an offer to some , to a potential email where all I want , all I'morally interested in is an email , submit so that I can potentially get , them to opt into my you know opt into , the offer so I can make a commission on , that okay now you can do this whitecap , links and you can also do this with , affiliate links just the same so if you , want maybe went to like amazon , associates and you know you wanted to , mark it let's just do amazon associates , real fast before we do max bounty let's , say you wanted to do amazon associates , and you found that amazon associates , offer that paid you like two dollar , commission for getting a sale on like a , nineteen ninety nine dollar baseball bat , what would you do well what would do , ISO would come here and maybe this is a , bit broad bu ti'm gonna type in baseball , or you know baseball bat and i'm gonna , search this in atomic email hunter and , what that will do is you'll see it here , it's starting to run and what I would do , is I essentially just let this run , overnight it would collect you know , maybe twenty thousand maybe fifty , thousand maybe hundred thousand emails , and then I'd be able to market to this , email sender that they're relevant and , target around the word baseball bat now , I actually do have an unfrocked , actually pay for atomic email and I post , the unregistered crack version and the , paid version the paid version the only , difference that you need to really pay , attention to is that when you extract , emails out of the you know the paid , version it literally just gives you the , normal email if you extract emails out , of this there's a different way that you , can do it and you have to kind of go , through and vet them and verify them , it's a bit it's kind of annoying but , it's you know it'free hey that's the , only difference essentially so I offer , the cracked version in my course my , email affiliate marketing or sorry email , and affiliate marketing mastermind , course that will be linked in the , description as one of the first or , second links I also like the CPA course , which is essentially just marketing with , CPA links slightly different pretty much , the same you know same same but , different now like I said you can get , the this unfrocked version% for free , if you just pay the $W discount code , you know to get the email and affiliate , marketing course and that will walk you , through the entire process now i also , did an entire video on how you can , essentially market to the , the email and affiliate marketing , mastermind and the CPA marketing , mastermind and how you're essentially , going to you know market to those those , leads if you want to check that video , out will basically walk you through the , entire process I'll drop a card up in , the right-hand corner for you right now , if you want to check that out great , great stuff , easy easy ways to make money online now , this is a little bit slower actually , maybe because it's a little bit of a you , know it's not even that long tail of a , keyword but usually this is goes a bit , faster but if I were to leave this , overnight in might generate you know , twenty thousand emails would , essentially extract these emails out , just to give me an example pulled up a , past list here that literally targeted , the word make money online in here and , essentially just extracted all these , emails out of you know that keyword Ina , topic email hunter so what I would do , just to give you an example obviously I , would let this run if Were gonna do , the baseball bat so um Amazon Associates , one I'd extract all these emails out I , take it to Garland then I would simply , throw all those emails into Garland I , would you know with some good copy and , then obviously just subtle link tithe , Amazon Associates thing now the power is , in the numbers because if you generate , about twenty thousand emails and you , market to all twenty thousand of those , emails you don't need you noway high , conversion rate let's say you only get a , thousand of those people to open and , click your link and maybe two hundred , those people buy that well two hundred , times two is you know four hundred bucks , you'vie just made four hundred bucks by , just marketing to twenty thousand emails , and you did'tavern have to spend the , time to go through and vet these , yourself now I actually do if you're , looking for a you know one hundred , percent more accurate way to you know , basically scan through and get emails , you know on your own I have Google , crawling which is essentially a search , engine crawling video where you can do , that manually , I'll drop that card up with in the , right-hand corner if you want to check , that outta lot of great value in today's , video guys check that out and I also did , Facebook crawling video which is , essentially crowing through Facebook by , getting you know manually scraping those , Facebook emails so that's a great way to , do it as well I'll drop that video up in , the right hand corner , if you want to check that out I'll also , link the the entire email marketing , playlist in the description if you guys , want to check that out literally if , you'rein the email marketing and you , want to make money online by doing email , marketing like this it's a great video , that you should definitely definitely , look into or a great playlist sorry that , you should definitely look into this is , a little bit slower it actually goes a , lot faster than this usually'm running , software in the background but that , should'really you know affect it too , too much but if I were to leave this , overnight obviously it would generate , quite a bit of emails for me , and when Awoke up in the morning I , could simply just email blast out that , list very very easy very very simple not , difficult at all , NOW'm gonna go through and'm gonna , give you another example for Mac's , bounty I'm gonna stop this Justice you , get the picture obviously it's gonna , keep it's just gonna keep going whoa , you're like Peter is being slow right , now that'crazy I'm gonna stop this and , then I'gonna show you Mac's bounty so , what I would do in that's bounty is I , would come through and I go through this , in the entirety in my CPA marketing or , CPA mastery and innovation course which , is also linked in the description with , the email and affiliate marketing course , both only ten dollars what I would do is , I'd essentially want to keep email you , know email click so you're able to send , you know offers through email and get , credit and commission for those so then , Would simply search , and another thing to keep in mind is if , you're searching search engines this is , just a little caveat you're gonna want , Togo with'm in the u.s. obviously so , far I'm searching you know Google comm , or you know this or that W times out of , the emails are going to be through , the US now I talked about in the course , how you can kind of vet that for other , countries if you live in another country , but me specifically if I were gonna do , it out do the US just because you know , most emails are gonna come from that but , just for the sake of demonstrating in , this video I'm gonna show you you know , just just picking it out we're not gonna , get too specific and in-depth with it so , I'm gonna look for I'm gonna sort this , through Leeds you know and I'gonna go , all the way down to the bottom get a , little bit more realistic here , now we're getting pretty close so this , is you know you can probably find a , better one maybe like one that's like , two three or four maybe five or six if , you're lucky I'vie seen sevens and eights , every once in a while but this one right , here would be you know potentially clash , of clans so this is an email submit , because you're allowed to send it , through email as you see allowed traffic , types all that you're doing is all they , literally have to do is submit their , email right because that's what CPA , marketing is cost per action get them , to that you know submit their email , which is the action and I get paid that , cost of W per bleed per person that , does that obviously so every person that , I send this literally this this form to , and this you know this landing page that , comes to this landing page and submits , their email I get for that in , Commission right so what how would i , market to this okay I have the link now , I need to you know essentially put this , link'vie come all the way down here and , you know basically get it through a , banner or a search or so email text , probably solo email text I'd extract the , link from the from the tracking code , which is something Talked about in you , know in-depth in my course if you want , to check that out it's very very simple , stuff like I said first first or second , link in the description and on top of , that now I'm gonna need a list to market , to so what would I do what maybe maybe , I'd to scrape Facebook manually maybe , I'd scrape you know Google manually you , know if you want to look at into how to , do that like Is aid you could check out , those videos that I'vie dropped as cards , previously in this video but why why do , it manually when you simply have atomic , email hunter and you can essentially do , it you know get McMahon to do it , for you so what would I do what would , what you know potential keyword would I , search maybe I'd search classroom can't , clans maybe I'd search online gaming , maybe I'd search you know app gaming or , something like that let's just try , online gaming and see if we can get , something there , all my gaming and it's gonna start , running through online gaming'm sorry , if my voice by the way is Little bit , man I'm a little just getting over being , sick I swear I'vie been sick like crazy , this this year it's wild so this is a , did't clear this last one because I'm , you know I was stupid by me so you'll , see here that the keywords baseball bat , I should have done that but just for the , sake of leaving it we're just gonna , start here with online gaming and you'll , see it's gonna start generating lists , and potential email leads I'm gonna not , gonna get into the specifics of you know , why you should market to the ones that , say support and info and team and stuff , like that sometimes you'll get great , ones you can also add in at gm ail or at , Yahoo and Talked about that in depth , in the course as well but you're gonna , mark that all these leads trust me , because they're all people behind an , email whether they're at work or not , they can still submit their email just , the same not gonna get into too too , in-dept hand I'm actually gonna stop , discus I demonstrated it for you but , it's really really simple its automated , you can leave it on overnight and it , does the work for you and then you , simply take Otto Gm ail what you do I , pulled this up that's make money online , so let'just pretend that this one was , you know the emails that extracted for , online gaming and let's just say you , know that Copied all you know this is , all W right here but you know just for , the sake of it I'milling in half of W , what I would do then is I'vie come to , Garland like I said I did that entire , video and how you can send mass email , through Gm ail wineglass GM's will be , linked in the description if you want to , check that out I'll also link atomic , email hunter in the description as well , if you want to get the paid service if , you already know how to seethe markets , of the email sand you're just looking to , get atomic , totally fine I'll link that in the , description as well but I would suggest , that you if you're into this you know , get the course so I walk you through the , entire process , you know you get atomic even W for , free in the course you get the crack , version and I show you how to extract , the emails fairly simply it's ab est , seller for a reason but now I'm going to , demonstrate this for you so what I do is , Basically post all that paste all the , recipients into the to field and with , GMS Allie have to do is hit the gm ask , button and it will send these emails out , as singular emails to these people you , know obviously this is a good subject , line to get them to open it I'd want , good copy you know so that they read , through and click the punch potential , link that I'm you know dropping in there , - you know clash of clans because we're , assuming and pretending that this is an , online gaming email list and then it's , you know five to a thousand people long , this is how I make money with email , marketing this is how I make money , combining CPA with email marketing or , affiliate you know marketing with CPA , sorry affiliate marketing with email , marketing it's very very simple stuff , bu tit's very very innovative and I , haven't seen too too many people market , CPA links or market affiliate links , through email and you can do it you can , be you know you can be one of the people , that you know makes you know an extra , even if it'singly an extra grand a month , what could you do with an extra grand , when i scaled this up i probably made a , Good grand think my best month was , like W or might been like eleven five , so you can definitely do that or you can , simply keep it small and just make an , extra grand or two month what would , you do with an extra grand it's very , very simple to put these things into , practice kind of just wanted to , demonstrate a you know mass email and , how that relates to CPA and affiliate , marketing as well as demonstrating the , power of atomic email hunter for you so , like I said if you're interested in , McMahon go ahead and grab it o be , in the description obviously that's an , affiliate link I make a small Commission , on I think it's like five to ten bucks , excuse me um it's not much but if you if , you want the crack version for free just , simply by the atomic email or sorry , simply by the email , at marketing mastermind course and you , get this W%for free in the course so , hope you guys like this video I wanted , to demonstrate the power of you know , combining marketing you know with you , know email marketing handicap marketing , and affiliate marketing and the power , and potential that you can earn money by , doing this it'just immense it's it's , literally only limited by how much you , want to scale up and by your imagination , so people always tell me you know it's , difficult to make money online it's , difficult to do this and do that it's , not difficult it takes practice for sure , it'snot it's not easy you're gonna need , to implement these strategies and then , learn and adapt but it's not difficult , you can do it if can do it you can , certainly do it so drop comment down , below let me know what you think of this , strategy let me think you kn owlet me , know what you think if it if it will , work you know if you have any questions , on it I'd lo veto converse and talk to , you guys about it More learned this , from somebody about a year ago and it's , still still still very viable today so , check this out you know hop on it and I , hope that you guys enjoyed this video if , you liked the video please like the , video it helps the channel grow comment , subscribe and I will see you guys , tomorrow.

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