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hey everyone it's not only from bricks P , and prosper calm and today , I'begot four online business models , that I'm gonna be talking about and it's , probably gonna help you learn and decide , which one's your favorite so that you , can get started right now stay tuned to , the end because I'm gonna let you know , what my favorite one is so if you want , to know what they are then keep on , watching guys so the only way you can , make money in life is if you sell , something and yes even if you're an , employee you're basically selling your , time and your skills for money now to , make money online you have to sell , something and one of the ways one of the , business model sis called-commerce now , we all know what he converses but you , probably think that it's just having an , online store and selling products to , your online store actually there are , various ways to do commerce and one of , them is called drop shipping now what , does drop shipping drop shipping is , basically linking the customer your , customer with the supplier one of the , best things about drop shipping which is , why it became popular is that it is low , investment it dozen't take that much , capital to start now let me give you an , example so this is you this is your , online store when your customer buys , something you will get in contact with , the supplier and you will give the , customers details you're going to give , what they bought you're going to give , the location the contact number of the , customer to the supplier and your , supplier ships directly to your customer , a good thing about it as well is you're , only gonna order from the supplier when , customer orders so you're not you're not , having to risk any money upfront another , good thing is that you don't have to , deal with shipping you know deal with , like logistics but just like everything , in life there are disadvantages the , disadvantage , drop shipping is a pretty big deal so the , first disadvantage is customer service , you ha veto be active you have to always , be there for your customers always reply , to them and if anything goes wrong and , they want to return or refund then you , have to deal with suppliers that's , another disadvantage to dealing with , suppliers you don't have control over , what they do over how how long it will , take your products are coming from China , where you can basically sell their , products fora higher rate on your , online store now the bad thing about , that is that you are selling really low , quality product sand you're even selling , if you don'tardier samples you're , selling products that you don't really , know is good you don't know if there's , gonna be any defects in the product so , as much as it's nice to hear that oh I , don'thieve to have any pie investments , or capital the risks are high and , disadvantages are high another bad thing , about it is that you have to deal with , inventory witching't in your control , it's in the suppliers control so you are , fully relying on the supplier here which , makes it not along-term business it is , not a long-term business you cannot be , doing it for years for W years so to , summarize the advantages interruption , you don't need high investment it's low , investment and capital you don't need to , create product you don't have to deal , with shipping or logistics but the , disadvantages are you ha veto deal with , customer service you ha veto deal with , the long shipping time which is three to , four weeks because it's not under your , control you are fully reliable on the , supplier you have to deal with inventory , on your store and Otis not along-term , business now the next commerce method , is called Amazon Band Amazon FBA FBA , stands for fulfillment by Amazon now we , all know what Amazon is I hope you do , but Otis basically the largest online , e-commerce store in the world , owned by Jeff Blazoned he's the richest , man in the world , so Amazon's got this , program called Amazon FBA where you can , order goods in bulk fro ma supplier any , supplier from China from your local , spelldowns't matter you order them , and you send them directly to the Amazon , warehouses where they are going to , package it and fulfill it whenever , customer orders from you the good thing , about Amazon FBI's that you don'thieve , to worry too much about traffic because , there already is traffic in the platform , so you don't ha veto worry about , building foundation there are people , who are gonna be there looking for your , product on Amazon and also you don't , have to worry about shipping or returns , and refunds because that's being dealt , by Amazon which ISS really highly , established company so you don't have to , worry about that because they're , freaking professional but just like , everything else , there are disadvantages so the , disadvantages are you have to have high , capital and investment because you are , investing in goods upfront in order to , send them tithe Amazon warehouses and , the bad thing as well is that it's risky , because you don't know if that thing's , gonna do well also I would'consider , it to belong term because your product , might like go out of style go out of , fashion or you know it like something , might just come up that'better another , disadvantage is that you have to deal , with suppliers and inventory because , obviously if Amazon runs out of your , product like it's not their problem you , ha veto send them and stock up on your , product so that they can send Otto your , customers also you have to pay Amazon a , commission there is a fee for everything , they're not doing it for free they're , not doing all of this for charity you , have to pay the ma commission for , packaging and sending your product to , your customers so to summarize the , advantages of Amazon Fibre that Otis , already a platform that has traffic you , just have to worry ab outranking on the , first page of the search results and you , don't have to worry about customer , service or fulfillment you don't have to , worry about shipping or logistics but , the disadvantages are you ha veto have , high investment and capital it is risky , because your product , not so well you have to deal with , suppliers and keep an eye on inventory , and you got to pay Amazon a fee for , dealing with all the operations and the , next method of e-commerce is called , branded excelsior is what we all , generally know it to be it is basically , your own product your own brand you're , creating a product from scratch it is , all under your control also it's a good , long-term business now if I were to , choose from job shipping amazon or , branded commerce's is the one that , would choose however like everything , else there are disadvantages now the , disadvantages are you have to obviously , create everything will scratch fit your , brand create your identity , create your products unlike drop , shipping you ha veto create your product , you have to design it and make it , however you want it to be also you have , to deal with suppliers you have to deal , with inventory you have to deal with , couriers you have to Fonda good courier , and make sure that you establish a , relationship with them establish your , relationship with your supplier you have , to be patient with everything because , this is a brand this is something you , are building from scratch so obviously , one of the biggest disadvantage is you , have to have high investment and capital , you have to invest big time because , everything is at your expense however if , you're patient and if it's done right , and it is totally rewarding and it is , all under your name now to summarize the , advantages branded commerce I's% on , your ownership it is along term , business the disadvantages are you have , to create the brand and product from , scratch you have to deal with customer , service deal with suppliers deal with , careers and logistics manage inventories , and it is a high investment capital also , I have to add you ha veto be patient , with it because it is being built , entirely from one single idea , now the second online business are your , services so you can do anything from , social media marketing agents , which is also known Assam MA or you can , run an Specialist agency or a , Facebook advertising agency or you can , even do consulting or you can even , create websites or sales funnel sand , flip them so basically sell them , anything within your skills and , expertise you can run an agency or even , work as a freelancer online now this , business model requires your skills and , expertise and you have to have high , knowledge about something and be good at , something in order to provide your , service however you are being paid by , the hour so it's not the most liberating , thing we would'call this business , model passive because if you're having , to work and get paid for your services , which basically take sup your time , unless you hire employee sand build , their trust and show them how things are , done then all I have to do is maintain , the operation sand keep the clients , happy then you're good to go but this , business model is totally reliable on , client contracts you ha veto have a , client contract in order for you to get , paid but the good thing about it is that , you can get paid in advance before you , provide your service and you can even , create packages like monthly packages or , animal packages or six months packages , and get paid in full now to summarize , the advantages of running service , based business online is that you can , get paid in full in advance and you get , to do what you love if this is a skill , that you are passionate about now the , disadvantages are it requires expertise , so it would'tube very easy when you , hire an employee because they would have , to go under training you are being paid , by the hour so it's not exactly a , passive income business and this , business mo delis fully reliable on , client contracts there is no money if , you don't have a client so let's assume , that you want to start an online , business because you are looking to get , some financial freedom or time freedom , or even location freedom then this next , product is probably the one for you and , Otis called selling digital products , and it's really cool because you don't , to create a physical product or anything , tangible and you can sell things like , online courses or software's or even , apps the real cool thing about Otis you , don'thieve to deal with suppliers or or , inventory or shipping because it's not a , physical product it's literally a , digital product so when customer buys , from you they can instantly get your , product it's downloadable and it's , uninstallable's totally passive but the , bad thing about it is it takes time you , have to deal with customer service , there are times you have to deal with , refunds but it's not that much of a big , deal because all you have to do is send , the money back you don't have to wait , for the products to come back to you , so to summarize the advantage of selling , digital products , it's very passive and you don't have to , deal with a lot of moving part sand too , much operation work but it takes time , and it takes lot of time and skill and , it costs money because you have to do , engineering work for these products so , what if It old you that this last , business model requires no investment or , capital you don't have to create or , build product or service you don't , have to deal with customer service , refunds or returns you don't got a deal , with shipping courier or logistics you , don't have to manage inventory you don't , even have to deal with suppliers and you , don't need expertise well guys this , business model is called affiliate , marketing and the only thing you need is , marketing which is essential in every , single business anyway affiliate , marketing is basically referrals and , this is where you get commissions for , promoting other people's proven products , this is not your product this is already , an established company's product you are , just promoting it for them you don't , have to deal with shipping or returns or , suppliers you just ha veto promote it , and when someone buys through your , affiliate link which the company is , going to give to you then you get a , commission this is one of , the most passive income businesses and , what is passive passive is you do the , hard work once and then you keep , generating money even while you sleep , not from the for business models that I , just showed you excelling your , services selling digital products or , affiliate marketing my favorite is , affiliate marketing the most passive , businesses would be the digital products , and affiliate marketing but the digital , products requires you to create , something to have a skill for something , and knowledge for something and create , something from scratch but affiliate , marketing you don't even have to create , anything if you started with e-commerce , you have to learn and juggle and manage , all of these moving parts and operations , if you'restarting out that's not the , smartest thing to do , because you're having to learn so many , things at once'm sure many of you know , the term jack of all trades master of , none , you are basically making yourself a jack , of all trades if you try and start a , full business with all of those skills , required but if you master something , first then you can go on to master other , things later on that would be the best , way as a beginner , now just like there are better business , models there are also better affiliate , programs so if you'dike to learn more , about this and if you want to know what , they are then stay tuned for the next , video where'm going to reveal the best , affiliate marketing programs out there , now if you'd like to get ahead and if , you just can't wait then click the link , down below break free and prosper calm , and if you like this video guy shit the , like button leave comment down below , of which one was your favorite business , model and guys if , any value from this video hit the , subscribe button for more and thank you , for watching'll see you in the next , one ,