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the rise of the Internet has given us an , overabundance of sign hustles there are , many ways to make extra money online , from the comfort of your own home so , let's talk about it hey what's up , welcome back to another episode of boss , tip Thursday where I share tip sand , tutorials to help you get work done and , today it's all about site hustles if you , want to start a business but you have a , full time job then starting with the , side hustle is the best thing for you to , do if you want to make extra money on , the side you want to keep your job but , you're just looking for some extra money , then side hustle is the way to go , and if you're looking to learn new , skills to make you more valuable in the , workplace then start with aside house , today'm going to be sharing total of , nine side hustles that require little to , no investment upfront there are very , easy and most of them you can get , started today , some quick disclaimers before we get , started I don't want to give false , impressions here so the first thing is , that you can get started with most of , these site hustles today but that , dozen'mean that you'll start getting , paid today you have to put in the work , and continue and be consistent for about , a couple of months to start seeing the , results and then the second thing that , want to make clear is that they are easy , because anyone can learn to do any of , these side hustle sit dozen't take a , rocket scientist but depending on your , skills and current knowledge about the , online space and all these they are , these technical things you'll ha veto do , the learning curve may be slight or , substantial depending on what you , already know so it's easy but you do , have to Putin your effort to learn new , skill sand any lasting in the , description there will be PDF that you , can download that will have additional , resources and link sand different things , that will help you get started with each , of these cycles the first site hustle is , affiliate marketing this is the referral , business , you know back then they had Avon and , Mary Kay where you referred people , product and then you got a commission if , you sold these product swell this is the , just of this site hustle you recommend , people products and you get commission , if they use your affiliate link , there'Walmart Target Amazon so many of , these platforms have affiliate programs , but most of the products you use , probably also have them so just think of , any software's any digital devices any , journals planners anything that you use , most likely has an affiliate program , just do Google search the product plus , the word Philly after it and you , should be able to find it if not most of , these products are on Amazon so if you , join their affiliate program you can get , an affiliate link to promote it and just , find things that you enjoy doing things , that you enjoy using and get this get , into this program you'll ha veto fill , out Short application it's a quick , process and within day or two they'll , prove you and you can start promoting , this product and get paid for it the , second side hustle is YouTube YouTube , can be used as a content marketing , strategy meaning that you create content , on this platform to attract people and , customers who will buy your product sit , can be any affiliate products as we , talked about books courses or anything , that you have to sell but as you know , YouTube also pays you widens every , time an ad is shown on your video you , get a small percentage of that and this , used to be an easy site hustle but , because it's easy it did get , over saturated people took advantage and , now YouTube has put in some guidelines , in place before you can join their , Ad sense program and start getting paid , you have to have thousand subscribers , in 4,W hours watched so it there is a , curve there you do have to get through , that but if you're willing to put in the , time and the effort and learn more about , this platform it can be done or you can , use it , a content marketing strategy to sell , other your other stuff like the , affiliate products and other things that , we're going to be talking about , throughout this video sign hustle number , three is retail arbitrage the main goal , with this idea so is to buy low and sell , high so first you buy the product at , stores like Walmart Target Ross TJ Ma xx , or even like at pawnshops garage sales , and thrift stores and then you sell the , product online for a higher price you , can use Amazon eBay Kyrgyzstan then , there's also a lot of other apps that , you can use where you can sell locally , and you don't have to sell online so , that'another side hustle sign hustle , number four is Kindle publishing this is , Amazon's self-publishing platform it's , free to join and anyone can publish an , e-book you can write these books , yourself or you can hire a ghostwriter , and publish your books under pen names , now the good thing abduct is that , once you have Anne-book you can easily , create guidebook a paperback , hardcover version of that same book so , one income stream easily turns into four , side hustle number five is to sell , t-shirts online now there are many sites , that you can do this with like tee spring , and Shoplifter's see Think you can , also sell t-shirts the rebut the easiest , way to get started is with March by , Amazon with March by Amazon all you have , to do is upload your t-shirt design and , Amazon will create the shirt for you , sell it and produce it take care of all , the customer service stuff so if you're , into design you can create it and upload , it or you can hire someone to create the , shirt designs for you if you just have a , concept you can give that concept to , someone on Fiver ironwork and they , will create it for you you upload it and , amazon takes care of the rest , side hustle number six is to teach , online if you know more than the average , person about certain topic you can , create online classes and get , paid for it you can create online , classes about almost anything like , makeup cooking self-development time , management YouTube social media , marketing photography and so many other , thing snow there are couple of ways to , go about this you can start with a , platform called teachable which is a , place where you'll have to drive your , own traffic there you have to create , your own course and you're kind of in , charge of everything it's free to join , teachable but they the price does go up , depending on the features that you want , in need but with this platform it's easy , because it's kind of like drag-and-drop , they walk you through the process of , creating the online class step by step , or you can try other platforms like , idem antislavery on these platforms , they do take percentage of your , earnings but they have a lot of traffic , coming to them already so it's easier to , get started with it's always a good idea , to drive traffic towards your courses , and products and books and anything you , sell but having idem and Skill share , already established as a platform for , online classes really does help site , hustle number seven is graphic design if , you don't want to teach your services , you can sell them on sites like Fiver , and up work and graphic design is one of , them if you have good eye for design , why not get paid for it you can be a , well trained designer where you went to , school you can be a self-taught designer , it dozen't matter , people are always looking for all , different levels on these sites that I , mentioned fiber and of work people offer , their services and they're all have , different levels of expertise Southey , charge different prices but people are , always looking to save time they don't , want to spend the time to learn canvas , Pic Monkey Photo shop or any of that they , just wan tit done so you can sell , specifics graphic design services like , YouTube thumbnails you took cover art , logos book covers any of that and people , will pay you for it because they , don't want to spend the time to learn , and get it done side hustle number eight , is freelance writing again with the time , thing people don't want to spend the , time to write their copy for their , websites their blog posts or social , media polls they know that content is , important but they don't have the time , to do it so this is a great service to , sell again on sites like Fiver rand , upward but you can also do it on your , own I and offer your services there so , that you can get the full earnings or , you can also try working for a company , just google this sites that pay you to , write and you'll find some across all , industries like finances and family and , self-help time management and so many , health so many other things so just find , a topic you like and apply for these , job sand you can start getting paid to , write final site hustle is digital , products this is awesome because it's , somewhat passive you only create the , product once and then you can sell it , again and again and Get some of the , stuff that we already talked about kind , of falls into this category like the , obeisant the t-shirts and the online , classes you only create those wants and , then you can sell them again and again , but I still want to mention it one more , time because there are many other , digital products that you can sell to , make some passive income there are , things like workbooks and plaintiffs , even photography there's lots of stock , photo sites that are always looking for , new pictures so if you're a photographer , you can sell it onlineprintables and , quotes themes so many things that you , can sell just be open have a creative , mind about this and go for it anything , that can be downloaded instantly and , that can add value to someone else is a , digital product that you can sell , alright so that sums up the nine side , hustles to make more money from the , comfort of your own home hope you found , it helpful and that you feel inspired , and encouraged to go out and give it a , shot my best , for you though is to pick one and stick , with it it's not gonna happen overnight , but if you put in the work eventually , you'll seethe results don't do what I , did and jump from side hustle so hard , huh so every other week you get nowhere , like that just pick one that most , resonates with you and stick with that , one once you get that one going then you , can jump to another one but make sure , that you focus in master one first don't , forget to download the PDF in the , description for more resources and links , and helpful things that are going to get , you on your way and if you haven't , already checkout my book online , business success in that bookie share , more about these side hustles and more I , talk about marketing how to find , customers and how to align all this with , your true passion so if you haven't , already check it out it's available on , Amazon as Anne-book paperback in , audio book and let's continue the , conversation in the comments below let , me know which of the side hustles that I , mentioned today sounds the most , interesting to you and if you want , tutorials on any of these side hustles , that I talked about today leave it in , the comments below'd be glad to share , what Icon and that's all for today , thank you so much for watching and I'll , see you next time