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what's going on guys it's Brian from BG , meeting innovation and today I want to , bring you some great content if you're , new tithe channel , it's full of digital marketing tips , Communists and really , step-by-step how-to content for any , aspiring entrepreneur that wants to make , money online so if you're new to the , channel go and hit that subscribe button , so you don't miss anything and with that , being said we're just gonna jump right , in , alright guys today we're gonna continue , our talk on why digital products and , digital content is essentially the route , that suggest that you go especially in , IT's a phenomenal business model , because it's W% passive you know , obviously -the time that you invest to , set that stuff up so if you haven't , checked out my video on why digital , products you should be investing in , digital products in digital content in , over physical products now that's , not a knock on physical products it's , just my opinion still obviously , troopship still obviously use Amazon , Band a number of other things but I , definitely definitely definitely suggest , that you blitz the content creation game , in W there's so much opportunity out , there but you just need to know where to , look so I'gonna talk to you about that , today if you haven'you know obviously , checked out my video from yesterday , which is essentially why you know the , benefits of digital products vs. the , drawbacks of physical products I'll drop , that card up in the right hand corner if , you want to check that out today though , I'm gonna talk to you about whereto , actually put your digital products you , know how essentially you can you know , they come to fruition obviously and if , you if you're not under the you know the , understanding of how to actually record , and edit your content which is very very , simple you just need to know where to , rank it and put it on certain platforms , obviously check the first link in the , description this will be the only plug , for that course today it'Sm content , creation master my course which will , allow you to obviously it will give you , content ideas you know kind of you know , give you different suggestions on what , you can do and turn into you know ideas , because money or sorry money knowledge , is actually business if you know how , to monetize it correctly and everybody , has knowledge and an expertise so I give , you you know different insights and , suggestions on where you can obviously , monetize that knowledge an dhow , obviously I'll teach you how to record , it how to edit it and then how to rank , it on certain platforms but that begs , the question what platforms should you , put it on now a lot of people jump right , to Amazon and this is something I , touche don in yesterday's video and they , want to sell an e-book and Amazon , everybody knows somebody that has an , e-book on Amazon I actually tried to go , that route initially until I realized , how much , competition is actually on Amazon so you , want to path you want the path of least , resistance you want the opportunity to , make the most money where there'sou , know just like private labeling you want , you know obviously the biggest market , with the least competition correct so , I'm gonna give you some idea son , different marketplaces that you can put , your digital content in SO that you , can profit and monetize your knowledge , and really get this business model or , rolling so the first and foremost is , obviously one'm on right here it's you , to me you mummies phenomenal'm on , idem I have courses enemy two of , them are free to generate traffic and , you know just free leads and the other , are monetized YouTube is a phenomenal , platform hop on with you to me if you're , trying to sell a course you can , literally sell a course on anything and , this goes across the board for the first , five I'gonna give you three of sorry , three five core sites that I think are , phenomenal that I'vie actually uploaded , courses to and you should obviously hop , on them as wellie would stick to one , kind of master one and then hop over to , another one now the first four that I'm , gonna show you right here are kind of , you know good lead generators you're , gonna sell your courses a little bit , lower you'll notice the majority my , courses enemy obviously sell for , about ten - anywhere from ten to twenty , bucks you know usually but it'serially , going to the benefits of you to me , obviously is they have million sand , millions and millions of people that , they already boast on their marketplace , and I think it's like last time I , checked the number was like W to W , million students on their market already , so you don'tend to generate any , traffic you can literally just piggyback , off all the traffic and people that are , already on Edmund sell your courses , to them so that's a great benefit of it , hop on you to me like Is aid I go over , this in the entirety in the course I , just wanted to give you ideas on where , you can put your digital content in W , because there's so much opportunity in , different you know niches and different , markets on you tome whether you're , selling you know marketing course like , me or you're selling how to you know , maybe just an idea randomly they came to , my mouth to my mouth to my mind would be , something like you know home and proven , maybe you're good in that field maybe , you're good at soccer and you want to , kind of record yourself doing moves or , we're teaching people how it different , soccer skills it , literally be anything you're only , limited to you know what there is a , market for which is pretty much , everything and what you can obviously , you know think about so piggyback off of , you know what you're good at already , regardless of which site you hop on and , then obviously you can start to build , following around that so you dummies , number one clearly it's phenomenal if , you don't want you to be get on you to , me there's not that much competition on , there obviously it's increasing but , there'still a lot of opportunity to , make a lot of money , next is skill share skill shares , phenomenal sight it's a little bit , different of a business model I'vie , talked about skill share in the pastie , actually tried to hop on Skill share , about three times and the very first , time I hopped on Scullery was , recording course for you to me and I , did something like black hat methods , where I kind of essentially watched my , own courses to see if I can make money , because that's essentially what I DI , test different theories out that I have , on how you can make money online and , then It each people to do them once I , see that they're viable business models , well normally like anything Skill share , Carl on and they banned me so it wan't a , big deal I'vie tried to upload under , different IP addresses clearly on my , same stuff in the past and they'vie , obviously you know continued to ban me , so they're obviously on their game good , legitimate site have nothing against , Skill share clearly Id on't blow my , courses there anymore bu tit is a great , site and I plan to eventually once I , move again and get a different IP , address I'vie tried to contact them , initially but you know regardless of my , plight with Skill share it is a great , great site and you can't make a lot of , money on Ito think the the majority of , for example the majority of instructors , that do really really well on idem , might make like grand plus month , honestly on Skill share it's a little bit , less but it's Little bit more it's a , little bit different of a business model , so you might upload five courses to you , to me and that might make you as they , rank you know that might make you like , three grand a month because you only , have five courses don'talkie that that's , just random number selling out on , Skill share if you upload three courses , you get a percentage depending on where , your tier is so you might make like two , gran don Skill share with five courses , but you might make two gran don , Skill share with twenty courses it really , just depends on how many people are , watching your your content it's hard to , say specifically another great business , model just a little bit , different with you to me and obviously , that to that I'gonna talk about next , you're selling your courses at a fixed , price so somebody pays an Amount for , your course with Skill share everybody , pays foursquare premium and then you , get paid base don the watch minutes and , the watch time kind of like YouTube so , it's a little bit different oaf , business model same thing for content , creator though you simply just upload , your course and tag it and do everything , I teach you how to do that in the course , as well now the next one is not teach or , sorry the next one is teach Lear T , sources another phenomenal platform kind , of like unity that's up and coming that , I suggest you upload your courses to it , can Bethe same courses literally you , can make a course upload it to both , Skill share edemas well as teach Lear , and in the next one , Plural sight as well pluralist is in , the fourth one you can literally make , course keep it broad don't say idem , Skillet I'll cite or teach Leland , upload your course to all four of these , and generate money from all four sites , at once , it'phenomenal business model I suggest , you try it out you do have to apply for , a plural sight unlike teach lured , and skill share but it is a great site , to upload your courses to so you can , make money now finally we have teach Lear , are teachable sorry not teach lair , teachable is a phenomenal business model , and a phenomenal place to upload courses , too if you're going the more premium , route you ha veto pay for teachable for , the rights to upload your course there , and then you get Little bit of a , different thing when I launch my premium , course which will sell for around W , bucks and teach you guys essentially , everything that I do online to make , money so you can literally do what I'm , doing , that will probably launch in a month or , two I'll do that on teachable because it , gives Mae little bit more freedom , although the drawbacks of teachable are , that you have to generate all the , traffic so you need following you need , to be able to maybe you're getting your , traffic from YouTube maybe you're , getting traffic from like you to me , where I have like W,W students I , thin kit's almost,W now you need , outside traffic maybe you're paying for , ads to generate traffic to your , teachable course you need outside , traffic teachable dozen't give you any , free traffic on their site like you to , me does like steel chair does like teach , letter doe sand pluralist does , you need your own traffic but it's a , great business model if you're selling , premium courses because on those other , Ste you can't sell them clearly as , high as you want to so if I'smelling , the$W horse I would'upload it to , you to me I would't uploaded the scale , share because it's worth a lot more than , that I put you know a lot a lot a lot of , time into it and I want to host it on my , own website essentially and teachable , lets you do that so this is a great , place to upload premium courses stuff , that you want to sell a little bit more , a great example that would be like , tanner fox is an Amazon seller mastery , course which is not something Took but , I'm sure has a lot of value of Merit in , it he has his own channel to Tanner Jay , Fox I I talked about him in the past , he's a great great content over there , it's just people how to make money doing , Amazon which is something that I'm very , familiar with he uploaded his course to , teachable as well as a lot of the other , you know content creators and people , that I know of and'vie used teach forum , pastie did't like it but I also did't , have following of about,W so I'm , gonna relaunch my premium course on , teachable something I suggest that you , do if you have premium course in mind or , you have a following that you want to , monetize essentially finally we have , YouTube which is what you're all , watching right now YouTube ISS great , great you know platform to generate , traffic you can capitalize off the , hundreds of millions of people that , already have YouTube accounts and watch , YouTube clearly you get paid a little , bit differently you ha veto hit,W , views essentially we all know this so , before you can monetize and get ad , revenue and then once you get ad revenue , if you have a small channel you're not , going to be making lot of money right , off the bat now once you do get bigger , following you can make you know probably , a couple grand a month doing YouTube , just on ads don'ta dd revenue and I , actually showed my ad revenue update , when I hit a thousand subs pretty , recently if you want to check that video , out it'll be linked up in the right-hand , corner I'll drop a card for you to see , that but a couple thousand month you , know just uploading YouTube videos on , stuff that you already enjoy is a great , great great you know payment method as , well as something that you can do to , generate traffic so not only you're , getting paid for it but you can , basically capture all the traffic off , YouTube and send it to you know , something like teachable or send it to , you know your idem courses or send it , to anywhere that your content is being , hosted it's a great business model and , something Indefinitely recommend that , you do if you're not , you tube and you want to hop into the , content creation game you're doing , something wrong you need to be on , YouTube like Is aid guys everything that , I'talking ab outright now I go over in , spades in my course if you want to check , it out like Is aid it's the first link , in the description but I kind of just , wanted to touch on today you know , different places that you can upload , digital content because it's easy to say , oh you need Togo you know check out the , digital content game and not through the , private label or not do transshipping , we're not to the affiliate marketing , game affiliate marketing is actually , bad examples that's not you know , physical products but not do the , physical product game and happen to the , digital product game that was my , recommendation but I also kind of wanted , to follow upon that video and tell you , where you could upload that would help , you out so hope you guys like this , content hope you liked the video if , you think there was value in the video , you know obviously like the video it , helps channel grow come and subscribe , and will see you guys tomorrow