Thursday, March 28, 2019

Can you make money online selling ?


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hey it's Jeff Walker and this week's , question is can you turn your passion , into profitable online business so I , got this question from Jake sorry I , don't have acute-and-paste I don't have , your last name here Jake but it says , this came in in the blog recently and , Jake said Jeff thanks again for your , inspiration bit about me I'm a , professional building contractor started , down that path in SO Jake's been a , contractor for a long time do mostly , high-end custom carpentry projects and , cabinets my passions are sailing and , off-road motorcycle riding both of which , I'Avery good At recently read your , book and loved it and if you don't in my , book yet go get it I'll put a link below , this video we were over a hundred , thousand copies sold almost a thousand , review son Amazon 4.6 stars so yeah go , get my book it's awesome , in any case Jake went on to say my , question with these passions which again , is sailing and off-road motorcycle , racing plus he's a very good contractor , it sounds like with these passion show , can I transition them into product'm , a decent writer good at doing videos how , do Get product going how many people , would want to read or see it on video , some dude passionate about sailing or , dirt bike sand how many people are , interested in learning how to sail , online it really can't be done it'd be , like you teaching people how to mountain , bike thank you so much for your dynamic , for your contributions to the people of , the world so Jake so there's a couple , different ways I'm going to answer this , first'm going to go a little more , tactical and then I'gonna go a little , bigger picture and so unbeknownst to , just about anyone I'veneer talked , about this publicly not that it's some , big scandal or anything but was , passionate about sailing when I was , younger but that's a teenager I had , access to to a laser for those of you , who are sailors it's a small boat so he , was sailed small boat sin a Bobcat , old-school Hobo W so I was really , passionate one of the things I can't do , in Colorado Colorado not a great state , for sailing it's good for a lot of , things so I don'Tet to do much sailing , but I was very very passionate about it , when I was younger and so when I was , learning to sail of course we did't , have the internet back then but I just , happen to have this book sale power and , this is a prized possession this is one , of the the books that I'vie owned longer , than anything any other book I meanie , got hundreds and hundreds maybe , thousands of book sand this is one of , the books that I'vie owned for the , longest haven't looked at a very long , time but sale power the complete guide , to sales and sale handling and so when I , learned to sail I spent a lot of time , out in that boat just getting you know , beat around by the wind and trying to , figure things out but also studied , this book I studied sail theory I , studied sail shape Studied the points , of the sail and I learned a ton I would , go out and sail for a couple hours come , back and read the theory and read about , how to sail and this is how I learned , through this book and theft and it , was so impact for me that Here I am , W years later and I still own the book , so the point is if you can learn sailing , fro ma book you can learn it from an , online course you can learn it fro ma , video you could even learn it from a , good email you could learn it from a PDF , so this is a huge limiting belief that , you'vie got Jake that no one will want to , learn sailing online it'just it'just , ridiculous , same thing with dirt biking this you , know what I have studied mountain biking , technique online I'vie watched those , video another thing too if you go type , how to sail on YouTube the top videos , have,W views and the videos really , arena't even all that good Went and , checked them out so I haven't studied , the you know this market you know if the , teaching people to sail is a great , market or net but this idea that people , arena'toking to learn it online it's , just a limiting belief and and in fact , if you look like one of my client swill , Hamilton he teaches tennis online , and when he started out he's like , everyone like his parents think his , parents but a lot of people told no one , wants to learn tennis I'm lying , well he's built a really good business , that does hundreds of thousands of , dialysis Garrett teaches dog , training online so if you can go to , YouTube and do a search and you see , videos about how to whatever your , passion is and there are videos on , YouTube that are getting views then , people are searching and learning and , like if you can go to amazon and see , that there are books and your subject , about how to do it well if there's a , book that will certainly translate into , an online course and online training so , you know so so that's or the tactical , thing yes it's gonna work mean really , i I haven't studied those markets but , think Sally would probably be pretty , good market I think riding dirt bikes , could probably be a pretty good market , and frankly contracting and high-end , carpentry and cabinet building could be , are ally good market too so Jake you're , blessed to have knowledge in three , different areas that could that could , definitely go for you and now the bigger , picture lesson this is for everyone is , that so many people are like they have , this idea that my business is different , or my topic is different or my subject , is different but the reality is that , usually they're not Oman it's sort of , like you know when I have a case study , that it publishes case study where a , guy has this great business about , teaching people how to play guitar and , then I would have someone come up and , say yeah but Jeff my business is , different Id on't you know there's , guitar I get that you you know you can , teach guitar but I teach people piano , and you know no one'gonna go for that , I like well Oman how blind is that , mean people actually think that way and , we all think that way we all get stuck , in in that kind of thinking at times but , the reality is is it's very very , unlikely that your business is different , so you can look laterally and see other , people having success and study how , they're having success and it'probably , going to translate pretty well into your , business or your passion or your subject , so go , and earlier I'll put a link down below , this video go checkout my book it's , that you can get it at Amazon it's got a , lot of a lot of happy reader sand that's , that's what I'vie got this week go if , you're watching this anywhere else we , said to my blog at Jeff Walker comm head , on over there that's where all the , goodies are that's where all the action , is scroll down leave comment for me , give Mae share and and social give me a , share in Twitter give me a thumbs up or , thumbs down subscribe to YouTube , channel and let's go get in this week .

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