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in this video let me show you what you , need to know to make money from videos , Facebook Ads , that's right it's time to double down on , making YouTube video sand then publish , them on Facebook to double your profit , Facebook has over million hours of , watch video per day which is very , similar to the watch time on YouTube and , they have over 1.billion daily active , user sand this continues to grow year on , year so what's been stopping you from , uploading your YouTube videos to , Facebook well until recently you , could'make money from Facebook , views so you probably did't bother but , that's all set to change with the new , video Facebook Ads roll out yes you , heard correctly Facebook has already , begun showing Facebook as during the , middle of Facebook video sand although , it's live they still is a testing phase , but here's the important information you , need to know what you need to know to , make money from Facebook ads ad , revenue the steps of Facebook video , advertising is the same as with YouTube , W/W you get percent of the ad , revenue and Facebook gets W percent , minimum video length your Facebook video , must beat least seconds long but , longer videos will also have the ability , to include multiple ad sand unlike , YouTube videos you don't need to make , W minute video to qualify for a second , ad just few minutes will do space , between ads Facebook ads need to be at , least 2 minutes apart when do Facebook , ads appear in your video unlike YouTube , that uses pare-roll ads that appear at , the beginning of the video , Facebook reportedly hate this model and , have gone with amid-roll video ad model , which means Facebook ads will only , appear after seconds from the start , of a video suspect this model was , chosen because Facebook videos , automatically start when scrolling , through your screen and Facebook , probably did't want to annoy everyone , with video ads appearing in their , Facebook stream as they scroll past when , can you start making money from your , videos with Facebook ads as previously , mentionedfacebook video ads are in a , trial State right now but the live video , ads trial has recently been expanded to , us , that meet the following criteria only , Facebook live videos you must have 2,W , or more followers and you need to have , more than concurrent views for your , video just a note live Facebook video , ads are slightly different in that you , must be live for at least four minutes , before you can take an ad break how to , get ready for video Facebook ads here's , couple of quick tips to ensure you , ready to make money phrasebook video , ads ensure your videos are over two , minute sin length longer videos mean , more opportunity for ad revenue but make , sure they're engaging be sure to hook , your viewer in during the first W , seconds you'll want your viewers to hang , around after an ad so ensure you'vie , given them plenty of reasons to stay , start building your Facebook following , more Facebook followers means more , viewers so start asking fora Facebook , page like in your videos I put my , Facebook page link in the comments below , so please make sure you like the page , start uploading to Facebook now start , uploading your popular videos on the , Facebook as what works on YouTube will , probably work on Facebook too YouTube , video vs. Facebook video don't give up , on YouTube yet as YouTube is still the , number two search engine in the world , and you'll find it much easier to find , new organic traffic on YouTube then you , will on Facebook but that said once , you'vie found those viewers you'll want , to leverage social media sharing to grow , quicker this is why getting an active , following in Facebook matters again a , sharing is much more common in Facebook , an don YouTube'll keep you posted on , any new updates as Facebook roles , Facebook video ads out to more user son , their platform but until then please , like and subscribe and bye for now , you .