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have you ever wondered how it's possible , to make real money online with just a , laptop and internet connection hi my , name is ping Jun about the making money , online Peru last seven years now and , over this periodclickbank has , recognized me as one of the top vendors , in the world and this is the latest , search we should you just sent tome so , draw the spirit many times you like ask , them something Jan how do you do this , you know how how is it done is it , because you have an office here in , Malaysia is it because you're stuck what , is the secret sauce what'serially needed , to make money online and always tell , them to see two things you just need a , laptop and mean to that connection and , many times will I tell people this they , do not believe you so here's what I'vie , decided to DI'll be going to the US in , six days and i'll be documenting the , whole trip which is train nine days on , how i do it step by step I'll be , rediscovered my rules on how I first , started out seven year sago with just a , laptop internet connection limited , capital no office no stuff so i'll see , you again soon the national emerald and , will be naming more LAX right now , so it's my first day here in the US I , just checked in at Hilton woodland hills , in LAI'm still a little jet lagged but , I'm very excited to get started so how , does this all work well to start you , need two things you need a laptop and , you need an internet connection sou'vie , got my laptop in front of me and'm , going to get connected to the internet , now the next thing which want to show , you is to take note of the current date , and time it's currently W p.m. herein , LA and it's June tenth on a Sunday W , and the reason why i want to show you , this is so that we can track our , progress within this trip OK the next , thing which'm going to do is I'going , to sign up for click bank account this , click back like account i just signed up , for it about a couple of minutes ago and , I'd like you to take note of the account , name as well as it sails you'll see that , the account name is called us strip and , you also notice that this click back , account is fresh it's got zero sales , made till date it's completely new and , this will be the account will be working , on in the next couple of weeks I'll talk , to you again soon as soon as I make my , first sale , it's day three here in the US i'm still , at Hilton in LA and the first thing to , do is let's take a look at the current , date and time as you can see from time , and date com it's currently W p.m. , June the Th train W so let's take , look at our US ship bank account to see , the progress and if we have made any , sales so I'm just going to log in right , no wand key in my details and as you can , see from our account the u.s. ship , click bank account we have made seventeen , dollars and W cents till date now , granted know there's not a lot of , money but it's only two days into using , the system and we have made our first , sale so what does this mean well for one , the first sales the hardest sale to come , by and if we know that by using this , system and we can generate a sale all we , need to do is to use the same thing , we'vie been doing and just do the same , thing again and again and again and that , will create momentum to generate even , more sales because now the first sale is , on autopilot sou'll keep you updated , again and let's see how this account , grows in upcoming days'll speak to you , again soon , hey guy sit's day nine and today , checking out the Hilton don't just came , its thousand four and so let's have a , look at our accountant what's going on , so far you can see i just logged in and , things looking pretty healthy about six , hundred dollars in sales so we're still , technically still losing money because , we have to pay for car rental and hotel , bills but let's see if it if things get , better hey all sweetie , it's very level and I'm here in Santa , Monica so just a quick update before i , leave for today here's is how Thieu.s. , ship account is going it's things are , studying takes shape and we'vie done , pretty good to two hundred dollar days , it's about hundred fifty dollars so far , so let'look at how things go in the , next couple of these its data thing that , we just made our first W doll ah day , check it out guys day W you happy dad , what kind of sales day W first five , hundred dollar day , hey guys day W things are on track , we'vie got our first thousand other day , things are looking good , hey guys day W second dollar day hey , guys what's up its day W and we just , made our bed thousand-dollar day so , before we continue let's do a quick , recap on what has happened so far well , as you can see in our first two days we , did't make any sales it took us treated , if are made our first sale and right now , we have made our W,holidays so why , is that well you notice that we built , quite a bit of momentum since we started , and now getting five to a thousand , dollar days are pretty consistent and , there's area son for that because how , the system works is that you start build , a strong foundation and when the traffic , comes in it's actually pretty hard to , stop sales from coming in and it's a , last wee know in stage W and all you're , spending the last week here inveighs and , McCartney at the Belg and'll keep , you update don the progress progress hey , guys'm currently at Grand Canyon's and , yuk is just wow , and I'm gonna be here Fri'm going to , hike it down for the rest of day and , want to show you guys the sales made , today but unfortunately there is no , internet connection here it's the WI-Fie , either so let's take recap and look at , what has we have done so far in our , first week we spend quite a bit of time , in woodland hills setting up the system , but now as we approach our last week I'm , going to be spending more time hiking , and looking around because the system , now is pretty much on autopilot it's , running on its own and it'pretty much , hands off of me from here on so let's , take look at the result for the , following week to come speak to you , again soon hey guy sit's day W Just , got back from the Grand Canyon and this , is the end of our case study I'm leaving , back home to Malaysia tomorrow so let me , show you what has happened to our , account so far you'll notice that in the , last three days we'vie made about over , 3,W US dollars which is pretty decent , considering that we haven'twerked on , you in the last three day sand that's , really how powerful the dot-com , lifestyle and internet marketing radius , initially when I did a case study on , this I wanted to show you guys what's it , like to have time and money freedom to , have a system that's set up once and , then it continuously makes money for you , after it set up you saw how this , happened initially when there was very , little still at the start but towards , the end it's consistently making eight , hundred to a thousand dollars every day , there you have it I just got back to , Malaysia and in last 3 W days you'vie , literally looked over my shoulder and , single day to day and how it progressed , when account Justine website managed , to grow that one website into a five , figure income website really just , working on it W to our state and so and , the reason why show you all that , really easy to impress you but too , depressed upon you that the dot-Como , felt really real and it'possible that , do the same so imagine this imagine , waking up in the morning it's eleven , o'clock go run fucking boss no rush hour , traffic and you go over to your , workplace which is about seven seconds , of it and you check your email and you , realize that we make more money and one , and'll show you some lasting raw food , or show you how like gene or how it , looks like as you can see it's a very , neat person there's literally no clutter , in my inbox and whenever I receive an , email from click bank it gets archived , into my sales folder and as you can see , from here I'vie made over a hundred , twenty thousand sales with click back , and this is just vendor sales it dozen't , include affiliate sales and if I scroll , down here and see that this is a typical , day of how my gm ail looks like July , change second and this is I'm not going , to any launch or any special day this is , just a typical day and as I scroll back , to all the emails you'll see that July , training second direction second July , channel first it's illumine the outside , direction first so this you'll notice , that sales multiple sales is made every , hour even while I'm asleep day in and , day out now let's have look at just , one out one email type so you will see , that Douglas from the US but for me and , it's it's W billion dollars you know , the typical sale amount for my products , range from W US dollars to address , and I'vie done over current balances so , in the wrong button and internet , marketing has really enabled me to do , this lifestyle that I five years ago six , seven year sago I'm definitely wit hit's , possible at all but an actor that sure , you want to really change your mindset , because I know that with all the , scanning push button software on that , lead to any part of it was really was , wrong so I urge into me you know have a , boiler system because otherwise the , outside by the way are you have a good a , system and try it out because I know it , works its work for me my family my , friends and thousands of other people , out there so here's what weened to do I , want to try the system up and for W , days if for any reason at all you do not , see the results and do not make maximum , amount of cash whatever massive means to , you I want you to , or personally send you a refund no , questions asked so all you need to do is , click on a massive back to cart button , below this video and i will see you on , the other side