Thursday, April 11, 2019

7 Secrets to Making ( Millions of Dollars Online ) - 21st Century Wealth Secrets Revealed


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do you know how people made millions of , dollars back in my parents days they did , things like owned land owned banks owned , factories but these days there's , something called the internet and with , the internet you have the opportunity to , make millions of dollars without , investing at on of cash or being , well-connected or being born of , privilege hi everyone i'm Neil Patel and , today'm gonna share with you seven , secrets that will help you become a , millionaire in the internet age do you , know how I started my career started , my career by picking up trash and , cleaning restrooms my pretesting't , have ton of money and no I did't grow , up dirt Peoria grew up in middle-class , America so I did'really struggle that , hard but I had animal job like most , people out there but if you look at me , today I'vie done extremely well can I do , a lot better of course who can but you , know why it'because of the internet I , did't have much money when Iowas , starting here don'thieve tons of loans , or big house or anything like that and I , was still able to do well because the , internet and these seven secrets number , one focus lot of people especially the , younger generation they want to do , everything there's not enough time in , the day to do W different businesses , yes you may have W different ideas but , pick one of them you know they once , asked Warren Buffet and Bill Gates , what's the one key to your success and , you know what they both said they wrote , it down Ina piece of paper and in their , own words they said focus so those guys , made their wealth billions and billions , of dollars focusing that means that you , should - you're Nita Leon Musk you , can't do multiple companies at the same , time he'San anomaly most people can't , do what he'siding so focus the second , thing I have for you is solve a problem , you don'make wealth by just saying hmm , today I want to make money the world , dozen't work that way you have to help , other people yet to solve problem if , you're not solving problem then why , are people gonna give you money and this , gets into my third secret which is once , you're solving a problem your solution , needs to be easy to use or affordable , has to be one or the other if it's hard , to use then it's expensive who's gonna , do it , no one everyone's lazy these days don't , believe me just check out your phone use , tuber because you don't want to drive , use posts mates in umber eats because you , don't want to go out of your house to go , get food everyone is looking for , convenience these days so your solution , needs to be easy to use or affordable if , not ideally both the for tip that I have , for you is learn from your mistake sin , the internet world you can make a lot of , mistakes everyone does it's not as , sim pleas just creating a brick and , mortar business in which there's someone , who can guide you and be like here's how , you set up a McDonald's franchise copy , this formula and you'll do well with the , internet things change at a really rapid , pace which means you're gonna make a lot , of mistakes and that's OK everyone makes , mistakes if you did'make mistakes , something's wrong with you and let me , know what you're doing because I want to , be doing that and when you're making , these mistakes follow along keep track , of them and avoid making them over and , over again because you know what if you , make W mistakes and you learn from each , of them and you avoid making them over , and over again what's gonna happen after , 3 OR years eventually you'll know what , not to do it's hard to be like you're , gonna become millionaire right away , but if you avoid doing the wrong things , you'll eventually do the right things , give this video a like if you want me to , create video with my biggest business , mistakes the fifth secret have for you , is execute fast if you want to move that , turtle speed well you're gonna get , trampled allover and killed speed and , execution is preferred over perfection , so move as fast as possible if you're , moving really fast and you're happy with , your progress think again you could be , moving faster and some Kate who is W , year sold is probably moving faster than , you the secret I have for you is read , there's so much knowledge out there you , don't need to go to MIT Harvard or , Stanford to get all the knowledge in the , world you can just go to the Internet , learn from other entrepreneurs read , blogs subscribe to podcasts on iTunes do , whatever you can to learn more , check out books and stories online of , other CE Os in your space and see what , mistakes they'remaking the seventh , secret have for you is that you have , competitors and I know what you're , thinking what the heck how's that a , secret well no matter if you're , innovative or your new businesslike , Oberon revolutionizing taxi , business they still had a competitor , it was taxi cabs so whatever your , competitors maybe goon the web and , search for articles and interviews of , the founder of that company and what , you'll find is in those interviews these , founders and I don'TKO why they're , doing this they're revealing all their , numbers their stats their mistake sand , the secrets that helped them grow these , enormous companies and when you learn , and listen to these podcasts and these , interviews you can take what they'vie , done that was successful for them and , replicate that into your own business , follow those seven secret sand you too , can do really well on the internet and , be successful and make millions of , dollar snow I want you to comment below , with what business you're gonna start , right no wand how you're gonna use these , seven secrets to explode and grow your , entrepreneurial career and if you liked , this video don'forget to subscribe , because I'm gonna help you throughout , your whole journey as an entrepreneur or , an entrepreneur if you're working at a , company you're looking to grow within  

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