Sunday, April 21, 2019

16 Methods to earn Passive Income and get paid from home ( How to Make Money Online )


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hey guys have two main goals with this , video the first one is to educate and , motivate you to learn how to make money , online and the second is to beat , improvement pills video on the same , topic and hopefully by accomplishing the , first goal by educating and motivating , you and adding immense value throughout , this video it will lead me Tommy second , goal because for some reason I'morally , competitive anyways the first time this , video will be about active income and , active income is basically exchanging , your own time for money and the last , half of this video will be about passive , income online which basically means that , it requires Little bit of initial , startup time and resources but very very , little upkeep once you set it up and at , the very end of this video I'm going to , give you my recommendations for a , beginner what I would have told myself a , long time ago if I was starting to try , to earn money online so feel free to sit , back and learn you can even minimize , this video if you'd like anyways here we , go so if you'veneer heard of Amazon , Turk before what it stands for is , Amazon Mechanical Turk it's basically a , marketplace hosted by Amazon to do , things that robot scan't do that they , ha veto have humans to do and they , outsource it to you guys they outsource , it to people with extra time who want to , earn a little extra money there are all , kinds of task son this website anywhere , from searching data to data entry to , transcribing which transcribing means , watching and listening Tao video or , audio file and then typing it and you , can actually make fifteen to thirty , dollars an hour if you know how to do , this correctly and if you know more than , one language you can actually make money , on this website by translating stuff now , I'vie personally done this and earned , around forty to fifty dollar sand I , did't put much work into it but my , friend he worked awfully time job and he , actually did this on the side and he did , it fora couple months and actually , earned more than think it was like , three hundred fifty dollars each month , so they are real they do payout you just , have to put the time into it another way , to make money online is by eBay now you , can combine eBay Grisliest can even , go tithe dollar store Facebook , marketplace and basically what you do is , you become an entrepreneur buying low , and selling high you know you go to your , local dollar store and you find this , little trinket oh that looks cool , I want to win it cost on eBay you look , it up on eBay and you can sell it for W , more dollar sit's maybe it's super , soak er water gun you buy it at the , dollar store for three dollars you sell , it on eBay for twenty three boom , twenty dollars right there it probably , dozen't even take you an hour worth of , your time anyways there are all kinds of , marketplaces out there and if you learn , how to leverage them what sells best to , where you can make a ton of money , flipping stuff number three is surveys , now surveys are kind oaf pain in the , butt , especially because I start getting some , spam in the mail but you can't make , ton of money on this there's places out , there like swag bucks which I'll talk , about later inbox dollars my points , there's all kinds of places you sign up , to you take daily surveys and you make , money that's not going to be a , substantial amount like thousands of , dollars month but if you have a , grocery bill or rent or some other type , of expense that you need to get taken , care of that month and you have some , extra time it's a great way to fill that , gap now on to swag bucks swag bucks is , pretty cool because you can literally , get paid by searching stuff so I did , this probably a couple years ago and , I'vie been doing it every now and then , when my free time and you can earn a lot , of extra money doing this basically , instead of going to Google you use swag , bucks custom search engine which you can , set it to Google and you search stuff , like how to tie a tie and then every , once in awhile they'll give you a , reward for using their search engines , now there are tons of other ways to earn , money on swag bucks you can actually , shop if you're going to shop on Amazon , and you shop through them they will , actually pay you a percentage of money , for doing that you can watch videos that , they have basically like watching , advertisements other companies you can , play games answer surveys there's all , kinds of ways to make money on this and , they do pay I have been paid by this , company usually they just pay you buy , gift cards witching't that bad after , swag bucks is Instagram shutouts , Instagram shutouts really cool but , it does take Little bit of time to , buildup because you have to have an , initial following that's really cool , because initially if you want to get a , whole bunch of followers you can go , through follow people and then , inflow that people and you'll , usually have net gain of like W to W , new followers if you do that over time , maybe a thousand times in one month or a , couple months eventually you'll start to , gain followers and if you need to you , can actually buy them but after you have , that initial following you can actually , sellouts if you haven'followed , me on Instagram yet follow me at , practical underscore psych there's some , awesome updates on there that I can't , share on YouTube that I share on my , Instagram anyways when I get to around , W,W maybe even half a million Icahn , star tasking , people to pay me so that I can shot them , out have a friend who does this he has , around million Instagram followers you , might think hollowly that's a lot of , followers to get Id on't think Icahn , ever do that well he said the same thing , around 2 years ago and now he makes , around to thousand dollars month , just by doing shutouts's easily made , his money back the next way to make , money online is by freelance job snow , one of the best marketplaces for , freelance work is up work and this is , actually what I use for all kinds of , other stuff so if you're avid editor , if you're graphic designer , even if you just want to like literally , play a video game or test website , people will pay you to do this , also if you're ever in need of a virtual , assistant up work is a great place to go , personally I use of work to hire , occasional article writers video editors , and even they do some graphic design , work that don't feel comfortable doing , myself but you can sign up to up work as , a freelancer which means when someone , post a job you can do it boom they're W , bucks in your pocket for designing , background or boom there's $W in your , pocket for editing as ix minute video , now another usually cheaper marketplace , is fiber the fiber is really cool , because there's a lot more people that , do it usually because this stuff is , cheaper and you can make money by , selling your services so you can do SEO , work you can do video editing graphic , design even website feedback if you're , comfortable doing that well you can sell , your own services but there's another , way to make money with Fiver that not , very many people know about if they do , know about it they're usually raking in , a ton of cash and that is to buy , services from Fiver for$5 $W and then , sell them to businesses who don't know , how to get the same services that cheap , for maybe $W $I'vie literally seen , some guy go to a company and say hey , I'll make you a logo for $W and then , he takes that and he goes and pays five , or$W he gets great logo and he just , made like over $W profit for a , weekend'swarthy of work it's crazy once , you learn how to do this you can scale , it and make all kinds of money now let's , talk a little bit about passive income , now if you don'TKO anything about , passive income I highly encourage you to , buy my booking the link below it's , called passive income tutorial and it , goes through all kinds of mistakes that , I'vie made in the pa stand what I'vie done , in the past that has made me successful , in fact one month actually earned , $W,W couple months later I actually , did't do any work fora solid month , literally read books all month did't , do anything online and I earned $4,W , if you watch all the way through this , video there will be avid in the in , screen showing that proof and the reason , I did that was as a testimonial to say I , know how to make passive income online , and you can buy casebook if you want , to learn how because there are a ton of , people out there who say they can make , money online but the only way that they , make money online is by selling other , people the dream that they can make , money online - anyways the first way you , can make passive income online is by , selling photos so there are all kinds of , websites out there that will pay you a , percentage of how much money they earn , from selling your photo so stuff like , Smug Mug Pro Shutter stock stockpot if , you'vie ever tried to buy a photo you'll , realize wow that was hundred dollars , for one photo , well that's because Shutterstock pays a , percentage of that money tithe person , that took that photo and you can do the , same you can take one photo and then , sell it on shutter stock and who knows , someone might buy that every day and , you'll get bucks that's W bucks a , day that you don't ha veto do any more , work and that'st he glory of passive , income the second way that'vie learned , to make passive income online is through , Clanking Kickbacks a marketplace , basically of other people's products and , the cool thing about this is is that you , get to sell someone else's product , it's basically affiliate marketing and , I'll talk Little bit about that in the , future on Click bank personally there are , only two products that I highly , encourage someone to buy because I have , bought them before and they're super , easy to sell , the first one is K money mastery and the , second one is video breakthrough Academy , and video breakthrough Academy it was , actually created by one of my you tuber , friends anyways what you do is you make , a whole bunch of content and then you , lead people to your affiliate link and , then whenever someone click son that , affiliate link you get a percentage of , the sale for example video breakthrough , Academy every time I sell one of those I , get half of whatever someone pays for , the product so if they pay $W for that , I will earn$W some people make over , W,W W,W there are even some people , who earn over half a million dollars , online through selling other people's , product , the third coolest way to make passive , income online is through Amazon , affiliates now the way that Amazon , affiliates work is that you put a link , in your description of your YouTube , channel or your blog or some other , website that you have and what happens , is whenever someone click son that link , boom they get a cookie on their browser , which means any product they buy on , Amazon for the next W hours you get a , percentage of and one example of this is , that on my touchingly I sleeks , I create book reviews and then I sell , book sin the affiliate link in the , description and someone actually clicked , onto one of those link sand then went , and bought a thousand dollar camera now , I personally did not sell that thousand , dollar camera but what happened was , Amazon wanted to reward me for directing , the person to Amazon and they actually , gave me like bucks for that sale , I wan't even selling a camera and that , was something that is really cool that a , lot of people can do and usually the , more clicks you can get on your Amazon , affiliate links the more money you will , earn even if it's not selling your , product now one guy I know who has , earned ton on this and has all kinds , of experience his name is Luke Lincoln , and he is a website that literally sells , just wireless routers and he is , documented that he has earned over forty , thousand dollars in one month , from Amazon affiliate earning snow I , mentioned earlier that I actually have , Anne-book and that's a whole another way , that you can make passive income is by , selling Kindle e-books now Kindle , e-books are really easy to create and , some people think that it's just really , hard to make them so they don'Tet into , them but I bought and went through the K , money mastery course which I'll link in , the description below and it teaches you , how to create a Kindle book how to , market your Kindle backhoe to do , little tips and tricks on the Kindle , Store so that it does Welland selling , and I did that before created my , passive income tutorial bookend it did , amazingly wellie'vie earned like six or , seven hundred dollars in the first , couple months the trick with making , money on Kindle is not that you have one , book that makes you a thousand dollars a , month it's having books that makes , you a dollar a day so that adds up and , over time your investments start to , return on themselves and you have a , hundred backstabber making between one , and two sales a day earning you one , hundred to two hundred dollars a day and , that adds up overtime so if you're , interested in that I highly , recommend going and checking out K money , mastery and you can do something that , improvement pill recommended which is to , buy the product and then go through the , course learn everything and then if you , need to for some reason you need that , money back you can ask fora refund , because there is a W-day refund on that , product you can get that money back and , then you can start creating your Kindle , courses and then when you start earning , your money back you know it's a respect , thin git's amoral thing you should buy , the product again so that the guy gets , his money the next way to make passive , income online is by selling digital , files now one of the best sites that I , found to do this is Slocum and , usually they take commission of , whatever you sell it's like two to five , percent I think but you can create a , small little course or you can have , website templates or you can have your , undress theme sand sell it on this , website drive traffic to that and then , eventually I'll make money another way , to make money by selling stuff is , signing up for you to me and teaching a , course now I'vie heard by some specific , people that idem kind of sucks because , they'll gyp you out of money because , it'll take your $W course and then put , it on sale for $SO that they can get , more users on their website and that's , kind blackhead kind of ripping off , creators but what Ire commend doing is , going to teachable calm teachable for me , personally think it's way better than , you to me and it's actually what I'm , going to be making my own personal , courses Ono'm almost finished with a , habit course and I'm working on some , idea son social skills money management , and the psychology of your thought those , courses if for some reason you're , interested in this course and you want , to coupon on them whenever they come out , I guarantee you you will have a coupon , you will get a better price than , everyone else if you go to practical pi , comm and put your little email in that , newsletter thing that whenever I , launched that course will launch it , with a coupon code so that you'll get it , a cheaper version so onto a membership , website and this is essentially what I , was going to do with practical Pi I was , going to say all right everyone $W a , month you can sign up to my membership , site you'll get all kinds of information , that I'vie learned have regurgitated from , books everything I'vie learned from , business psychology relationships but , those kind of membership site stake a , lot of upkeep and I did't want to do , that on my own so I outsource it to , teachable and whenever I launch my , course that's what I'm going to use this , teachable instead of my own membership , website so that don't have to deal , with the coding and the back-end stuff , and the last way that I'm going , mentioned how you can make money online , is by building YouTube channel now , when you build YouTube channel you can , make a lot of money wit had revenue but , it takes a ton of views you can actually , make way more money if you sell stuff in , the description you might get,W , views and that might earn you$W but if , you get W,W view sand W% of those , people buy a$W course of yours that's , going to earn way more money than the , video ever will so when you build a , YouTube channel you have got to be , passionate and I cannot stress this , enough because there are tons of people , who get into YouTube and will make a , couple videos and then fall out because , they're not passionate about it and they , just give up and for me Want to tell , you guys personally it took W videos , for my channel to hit that big golden , star and to go boom YouTube likes this , channel it's going to start promoting it , one of my videos got into recommended I , learned and after creating videos , got really good at how to create titles , how to make your thumbnail sand how to , make sure that the viewer was engaged I , learned how to do all of that through W , videos now for some reason if you want , to skip making W videos and you want to , have all of that experience on your own , you can actually go and checkout the , video breakthrough Academy it's actually , created by one of my Friends'vie went , through the course and I was like Mani , wish I could have learned this stuff , back when I was starting my YouTube , channel so that I did't have to learn , it all myself actually going through his , course learned even more and it was , really helpful so if for some reason you , guys want to check that out I'll pita , link to that in the description below , it's called video breakthrough Academy , there's some amazing value and there he , goes over how to make more money on , YouTube videos he goes over how to do , collaborations correctly he goes over , how to record a video how to script the , video whole bunch of little tips and , tricks for engagement and anyways that , is one of the best tools that I would , suggest so that you can learn how to , make money online quicker so we'vie went , over about active income tips which is , in Turks eBay surveys swag bucks , Instagram shout outs freelance work , freelance work on Fiver rand then , actually selling fiber products to hire , businesses and then we also went over , eight passive income strategies and that , is to sell photos online utilize , Click bank and affiliate sales Amazon , affiliate sales selling Kind lee-books , selling digital files on sulfide using , idem are teachable to create an , mine course creating your own membership , website and building a YouTube channel , so NOW'm going to give you my three , recommendations for any beginners who , want to learn how to make money online , the first is to buy the K money mastery , program ask for a refund and then buy it , again later after you'vie made your money , back you can learn as much as you want , but premium stuff will always contain , value and sometimes just paying that , initial cost of buying the K money , mastery program will motivate you to , work harder and become successful so , that you can actually earn your money , back it's a great course that would be , my first recommendation for a beginner , who wanted to learn to make money online , as it's been said in the past you'vie got , to spend money to make money and this , course realities't cost that much for , how much you're going to be getting out , of it my second recommendation is to , sign up for fiber and offer whatever , skills you have now there are a ton of , tutorials on this and if for some reason , you don't have a skill you can start , Washington videos learn Photo shop , learn After Effects learn how to code a , website learn how to create beautiful , user interface whatever you can do to , offer the world value and then sell that , value on Fiver rand you make most of , your money on Fiver not by selling A , dollar product but by the up sells , selling more expensive upgrade sand my , last recommendation for beginners is to , buy my book in the link below now of , course will be earning money on this , but hopefully I'vie added enough value in , thee-book that you will earn way more , money back the first third of the e-book , is actually going through my mistakes , and what kind of mistakes you guys can , skip in the future so that you can make , money online quicker basically it'll , help you jump-start your online income , career if that's what you want to DI , hope you guys enjoy this video Hope , you got insane value out of it if you , did share this video with your friends , click the like button and subscribe if , you want more .

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