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what's up guy sand welcome to another , video today will be showing you , exactly how to make money on Red Dead , Redemption- now this is a beginner's , guide so if you'vie been playing Red Dead , Redemption online for last month or so , it's probably best you click off this , video because you're going to see a lot , of stuff that you'vie probably seen , before and other videos other ones of my , videos but if you're beginner if you , got Red Dead Redemption over Christmas , you're gonna want to stick watch all of , these different ways to make money on , Red Dead Redemption online before we get , into the video if you would like to see , more tutorials or tips like this then , make sure you hit the like on avid , and also subscribe to this channel'm , getting around about five or six videos , out a week showing you exactly how to , make money how to rank up as well as , different stuff in Red Dead Redemption , online if this video does well I will , make sure to do apart two to it because , there are so many ways to make money on , Red Dead online as well as if you want , to say drop in the comments down below , I'll show you ways to rank up fast so , the first way and most obvious way to , make money on Red Dead online is to , complete the missions now when you go in , you will be met with a woman in which , you'll start offering you money to go , and do different missions so that you , can find the killers of her husband , throughout this I recommend that you , stay honorable you do not want to go , around killing random innocent people , stay honorable do the right thing know , there's a few missions where you get , some vote to be honorable or , dishonorable if you vote honorable every , time and still at those dishonorable , that is perfectly fine that is something , out of your control but if you can help , it stay honorable because what you'll do , is you'll get a set of missions that , will go towards the final mission and , the final mission that you do will get , you a thing get you overs hundred , dollars for completing which is very , good as soon as you'vie completed all , those honorable missions there will be , no mo remissions to do unless you go , dishonorable in which you're gonna want , Togo around in saint-denizens this , will link to a rank up method that I'vie , got my channel will not go into depth , talking about but if you'd like to see , that I'll leave a link in the , description down below but what you want , to do is just kill a bunch of people go , completely dishonorable as soon as you , become dishonorable you will unlock , another set of missions where you can , start getting money there are only about , eight or nine mission sin total but by , completing all of them I think you'll , get round about to W dollars the , second way is to do showdown series and , Ray , with braces you can get round about , three dollars to ten dollars depending , on where you place in the race , I have also got another video on this , channel which will show you how to do , really well with braces and how to win , more races in saint-Denis'vie got like , Little track where you can go around , and'll show you how to work out each , and every race so you can go around and , win it every time we'll showdown series , obviously it means that you have to be , good with races sometime sit come's , and the last hurdle what can happen is , someone just get wiped out and all you , do is just carry on going through and , you can win with showdown series is a , lot different you need to be good at the , game me personally I'm not that good at , the game'm pretty bad at killing , people I get kind of frustrated when I , don't get to shoot the gun when I want , to shoot the gun because sometimes you , press the trigger and it dozen't find it , irritates me because my opponents quick , love me but what actually means is that , I'm just bad player but pretty much , showdown series can get you from , anywhere between$4 to$W I recommend , doing the large ones because there's , more players the more players there are , the more money you ha veto potentially , be earning and like I said obviously you , need to be a good player to get up to , lose$W $W somewhere around there but , if you'Rae mediocre player like me what , you'll be doing is forgetting five or , six dollars in which it'll probably be , better for you to start doing racing , because if you have full lobby of racing , and you become first second or third , normally what will hap penis you'll get , around about$W $8 somewhere around , there which is just as good as doing , showdown series and the race is unknown , me a lot quicker so what you got to do , is figure out what type of player you , are and whether or not your bed doing , races or your bear doing showdown series , the third way to make money on reedit , online is to use the free different , hunting spots that I'm using right now , the first one is in black war then , you'begot one just above that which is , the mountaintops and then finally , you'vie go tone on the complete other , side of the map which is just outside , st. than me yes realistically you can , hunt wherever you want but with these , locations what you have is butchered , just right round the corner , the manzanitaoutpost you have to head , to black war but what's in remnant , post you can get bears Cougars else a , bunch of different stuff up in that , forest just outside black war what you , have it bucks deer's Bi sons they did use , to be a cougar in black war but that , being taken away but you can find two , Cougar sin the Monsanto post which is , very go odor you can get two different , bears if you go to emanating post , what you're gonna want to do is go and , get a second horse don't ride that horse , and then your other horse your main , horse the horse that you own will follow , you closely behind if you whistle and , then you can go to the man's near post , go and collect two Cougars or two bears , put one hide or carcass on one horse and , any other hide and carcass on the other , horse and then all you ha veto do is , write the horse that you stole back to , Black water and sell it at the butchers , and you can get twice as much money for , your time and obviously the final place , is st. Denis with this you don't really , need Togo and get a second horse , there's a ton of birds around that , location and all you have to do is shoot , the birds there are feathers in this , game that can go for around about one , dollar and fifty cents each and when you , kill a bird and it is perfect what you , can do is get free feathers out there , plus two bird me as well as the carcass , itself making you a ton of money just , from one single bird this goes back to , what I was saying in the previous method , if you are not good at showdown series , if you're not good at races what you can , do is just go out shoot one single bird , if it's the right bird if you sure , correctly with the varmint rifle what , you can do is make more money from that , than what you can do from just doing a , full race if you're a bad player at , races the fourth way to make money in , Red Dead online is the Cougar method now , what you want to do is go and spawn in , saint-Denise reason you're spawning , in saint-Denise's because it's the , furthest point away from where you're , actually heading go down to the fast , travel and fast travel all the way to , tumbleweed believe that'll cost around , about$W W does because it is such a , big distance but don't worry the first , thing you're gonna do is go down to , tumbleweed go all the way to these , locations there's one here and there's , one just overrule Spring sand what , you can do is get a cougar these Cougars , can go for about dollars if you get a , perfect carcass a perfect height and the , meat as well selling them all together , will get you around about $W$W I , think somewhere between there and all , you have to do ISS lie wait for it to , start running towards you and pull out , your bow and arrow and shoo tit in the , face or you can , bolt-action rifle as soon as you , killed a cougar take it back to , tumbleweed where there is butcher's , sell out the butchers and then all you , ha veto do now is go back to the other , location as soon as you do that take it , back to the butchers again sell it and , then go back tithe previous one all you , have to do is keep on doing this and , it's a it's a bit of a circuit the other , way you can do this is to go and get , second horse again go to one location , kill the Cougar put on the back of one , horse and then go to the other location , kill it and pull it back on your horse , by the time you go back to the butchers , sell everything and then go round again , the Cougars will spawn back in meaning , that you can keep on doing this rinse , and repeat making as much money as , possible twenty two dollars to twenty , three dollars every time you sell a , cougar the reason you're gonna spawn in , saint-denizens fast travel all the way , to tumbleweed and not spawn straight to , tumbleweed is because if you spawn in , tumbleweed what you have is a ton of , other players spawned in around you that , is just how online works the online , places you in apposition or put you in a , lobby where there are a ton of people in , that area so that you're not there by , yourself so if you spawn in saint-Denis , what will happen is you'll be put into a , lobby where there is a ton of people in , saint-Denis but then you're gonna first , travel all the way to tumbleweed when , there is no one this way there is no one , competing against you to go and get , those Cougars and you can just keep on , grinding out this method peacefully with , no trouble whatsoever , the final way I'm gonna show you to make , money in Red Dead online it's probably , one of the easiest way sit does mean , that you have to sell and make sure that , there is no one in the area that'gonna , Bob you I use Montana River for the , first time ever doing this what you want , to do is go and get deer carcass it , does not matter whether or not it's in , perfect condition whether it's good or , poor as long as you have a deer do not , skin the animal just bring the deer to , this location when you bring it to this , location just chuck it on the floor and , wait what will happen is fish will be , drawn into the deer but once they get , close to the deer because the water is , so shallow in this area as soon as fish , touch the ground they seem to just die , which means you can walk around and pick , them up because they haven't been shot , on manhandled in any way will you get is , a perfect fish every time some of these , fish will only be going through about , $0.W but what you , anger is a bunch of different bass which , will be going for$8 W and there are a , ton of these what you have is maybe , three or four in a row that will just , swim into this and then die immediately , you can go around pick up all four of , those fish and if they're all sea bass , what you'remaking is six dollars and , it's just like that all you have to do , is just stand in that area and fish will , be drawn in eventually at some point , it'll seem like fish will stop going , into the day you can either wait in , which all of a sudden a ton of fish will , just come over or you can pick up the , deer drop it again and it will seem to , reset everything and fish will start to , go in again this is a really good matter , for making you about$W in round about , W to minutes and all you have to do , is stand there there is the problem of , if someone sees you just standing about , in Montana River Montana River you don't , know is right at the center of the map , people crossed out once they traveled in , from Valentine- strawberry - black wore , anything from there- black wore people , seem Togo across this river so it does , mean that if you're in this area someone , might go out their way just to go and , kill you in which you're gonna want to , find another spot to find one of these , spot sis very easy there are a bunch of , them across the ma pall you need to do , is find palace where it's shallow water , bu tit's still deep enough for fish to , spawn and swim in there's a lot of these , area sin Blue Boar Mar shin which once , you go there all you ha veto do is drop , a carcass down of some sort dozen't , matter what the animal ISO keep on , using dead just because it seems the , most efficient in my head don't know why , you can put any animal any large animal , down and all you have to do is just , stand there eventually fish will come in , and you can see whether or not it's deep , enough for fish to spawn but still , shallow enough that once they get close , tithe beer or whatever animal you have , is touching the floor and as soon as it , touches the floor it will die anyway , that is the top five ways to make money , on Red Dead Redemption online if you'd , like to sea part two to this or even a , top five ways to rank up in Red Dead , online leave that in the comments down , below'll be sure to get round to do , that anyway guys Hope you guys did , enjoy if you did enjoy don't forget to , leave a like and subscribe but for now , I'm goings